bingykang / Fewshot_Detection

Few-shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting
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Could you release instructions on reproducing your results on COCO dataset as well? #10

Open zb1439 opened 4 years ago

zb1439 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this released code and nice instructions for training on VOC datasets. I am wondering what should be modified and preprocessed for reproducing your results on COCO datasets, like the preprocessing of labels and any critical hyperparameters. Thanks and waiting for your response!

bingykang commented 4 years ago

Actually, the data split for coco is also released in folder "data". Just change the dataset config and number of classes, everything should be good.

zb1439 commented 4 years ago

Hi, we have tried to fix current implementation to adapt to coco dataset, with much more than we expected to modify though. We are using 4 Titan XP to reproduce results on COCO, however we face severe out of memory problem. Could you tell us what is your configuration for both batch size and subdivision? Thanks.