binhex / arch-delugevpn

Docker build script for Arch Linux base with Deluge, Privoxy and OpenVPN
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DelugeVpn with Flexget - Also Q24 applied to Portainer #378

Open ostracizado opened 1 year ago

ostracizado commented 1 year ago

I'm having some problems trying to connect flexget to delugevpn. (Error 111)

Searching through the documentation I found this:

A24. In order to route an application(s) through an existing VPN container you would do the following steps:-

Container to route through VPN

Left click icon and 'Edit' container and toggle advanced view (top right).
In 'Extra Parameters' enter --net=container:<vpn container name>.
Go to 'Network Type' and select 'none'.
Write down the ports defined and then remove all ports (no ports required as we will be accessing it via the vpn container).
Click on 'Apply'.
Container running VPN

Left click icon and 'Edit' container and toggle advanced view (top right).
Click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' and add in a 'config type' of 'port'.
Enter in the applications Web UI port for 'container port' from your list taken earlier in step 4. above and any non conflicting port number for 'Host Port' (host port must not be used by another container).
Edit 'VPN_INPUT_PORTS' env var and put applications Web UI port number in the 'value', if multiple ports required then use a comma to separate.
Click on 'Apply'.

Please keep in mind that when defining connections from an application to another application in the same VPN container network that you will need to set the host to 'localhost' and NOT the LAN IP address, this is because the applications are now bound to the same network and thus should communicate over 'localhost' and NOT the unRAID host IP address.

The order of containers starting is now important, the VPN container must start first in order for the other container(s) to route through it, ordering can be changed in the unRAID Web UI by dragging the containers up and down, the unRAID Web UI shows the start order in descending order.

The "Extra Parameters" where I could add "--net=container:", I believe, are applied to unRAID. In Portainer what would be the best approach?

Could I add a new ENV as "ExtraParams=--net=container:binhex-delugevpn"?

OneWeekNotice commented 11 months ago


I just figured this out myself after quite a bit of research. Will provide a explanation with extra additional information afterwards for anyone else reading this 😄

This will cover binhex faq for vpn Q24, Q25 and Q26 which as you know deals with connecting other containers through binhex/arch-delugevpn

Edit: I'm unsure how to do this through Portainer GUI manually. The below is using Portainer Stacks. You can copy and paste docker compose files and docker compose env files under the Stacks section in Portainer

Explanation with examples

You are correct Extra Parameters is just for unRAID. For docker CLI / docker compose and Portainer (which as you know is a GUI for docker CLI/ docker compose); you will need to add a --network (docker cli) / netowrk_mode (docker compose)

Sample Docker compose - note this is only a sample with the parts you need to make this work. it is not the full docker compose

binhex/arch-delugevpn example - docker compose

#Note: This is a separate docker compose file for binhex/arch-delugevpn. More information in additional information section

    image: binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest
    container_name: delugevpn
        - VPN_INPUT_PORTS=${FlexgetPort}
          # ports of other applications that need VPN
          #Note: I use file env vars to ensure the ports are all the same and there is no typo
           - ${FlexgetPort}:${FlexgetPort}
#env var file for docker compose for binhex/arch-delugevpn. Note this is an example port

Other application example - docker compose

#Note: This is a separate docker compose file. I will only be using Flexget name to display the connection between the two docker compose files

       container_name: flexget
      #this is equivalent to unRAID "Extra Parameters" "--net=container:<vpn container name>"
       network_mode: container:delugevpn
      #this comment is to show that no ports are needed. will pass through delugevpn VPN_INPUT_PORTS.
        #    - '8989:8989'

Additional Information

Hope that helps!