binhex / arch-qbittorrentvpn

Docker build script for Arch Linux base with qBittorrent, Privoxy and OpenVPN
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Config Settings Lost on System Reboot/Shutdown #199

Open 0mni opened 10 months ago

0mni commented 10 months ago

When server is shutdown/rebooted, the config settings are lost. Has caused a lot of problems ...

Settings are not lost if I stop the docker through the interface, only when the system is going for a reboot/shutdown.

Does anyone else have a similar issue? And a possible solution?

Running on unRaid.

UnDer-7 commented 10 months ago

I'm facing the same issue. Whenever a power outage occurs, my Unraid server shuts down abruptly, leading to ungraceful shutdowns. Consequently, upon restarting the server, all my qBittorrent settings are reset to their defaults, including the web-ui password and the default save path. And just as the settings are reset to default, the torrents and categories stay the same.

I first became aware of this problem when I noticed that my cache pool was full. After some investigation, I realized that qBittorrent had reverted to its default settings, causing it to change the default save path to the cache pool.

0mni commented 10 months ago

EDIT: I think I may have found the reason as to why this is happening, for me that is on unRaid.

Goto your settings and change:

Settings -> Docker -> Docker Stop Timeout

Change that setting to something high, I have it set to 300 seconds.

Also change:

Settings -> Disk Settings -> Shutdown time-out

Change the setting so it is the same time or greater as the docker setting. Again I set this to 300 seconds.

There is still an issue with the config file, I think its getting "written" too many times, and is likely an issue with the config.

maxiwheat commented 9 months ago

I'm facing the same issue. Whenever a power outage occurs, my Unraid server shuts down abruptly, leading to ungraceful shutdowns. Consequently, upon restarting the server, all my qBittorrent settings are reset to their defaults, including the web-ui password and the default save path. And just as the settings are reset to default, the torrents and categories stay the same.

I first became aware of this problem when I noticed that my cache pool was full. After some investigation, I realized that qBittorrent had reverted to its default settings, causing it to change the default save path to the cache pool.

I had the exact same issue, power outage, unraid boots up after power is restored, many of my qBittorrent settings are gone, including the WebUI password, speed, schedule, custom WebUI. However, some settings remained (my RSS feeds and rules), my categories, my torrents.

binhex commented 9 months ago

This should now be greatly improved, please pull down latest image and let me know how you get on.