binhex / arch-qbittorrentvpn

Docker build script for Arch Linux base with qBittorrent, Privoxy and OpenVPN
GNU General Public License v3.0
397 stars 46 forks source link

Your Client is not on the whitelist #205

Open BIoob opened 8 months ago

BIoob commented 8 months ago

On a particular private tracker I can't use qbittorentVPN because the tracker gives a message "your client is not on the whitelist".

I have been using binhex rtorrentvpn for a few years without any issues with this tracker, wanted to switch to qbitorrent since rtorrentvpn is not supported anymore but seems this is a nogo?

Any ideas if this is even fixable?

Edit: looked up the tracker rules and it seems its because they dont support qbittorent 4.6.0 (yet), is there anyway to use an older docker version that still uses 4.5.5? If so, how?

Edit2: figured it out, added :4.5.5-1-04 and now all is working. this can be closed.


Grygon commented 8 months ago

I will mention here--it'd be great if we had broader-scope tags (e.g. 4.5, 4.6, etc). I like to use latest so I'm not pinned to a version that might become insecure, but that means I end up having this issue fairly regularly.

Binhex, happy to open an issue w/ enhancement suggestion for that specifically if you'd prefer.