binkley / modern-java-practices

Modern Java/JVM Build Practices
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Discuss use of git hooks #461

Open binkley opened 5 months ago

binkley commented 5 months ago

Is this related to #549 in context of a "dev init"?

Do not let quality checks be a speed barrier for red-green-refactor. Make them a barrier to pushing problems to others. Discuss breaking up the build to hasten cycle time.

  1. Diagram for steps in a build, local and CI.
  2. Leverage git hooks (local or in CI) to stop problems from spreading.
  3. Find usable red-green-refactor cycle image for this section.
  4. Include discussion of Gradle and Maven plugins to auto-create hooks for you.

Update this page: and integrate with other pages. Is this a good place for this reference? <-- May be better in introduction? In a "Why this book" section?


binkley commented 4 months ago

@jwlibby Talk about what moves to CI.

The book should offer options and let the team pick. Discuss tradeoffs on speed for red-green-refactor vs local quality. Key is that all these issues are fixed before push to share with others.
