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Suggestion: Resignation #337

Open singniubi opened 4 years ago

singniubi commented 4 years ago

似乎没有更多方法提高员工满意度,但降低员工满意度的原因很容易出现。 在最新版本里很容易达到员工辞职的限值,经常是开发了一款AAA级游戏后就有大批员工辞职,甚至是全部辞职,只剩下主角,这很麻烦,感觉好像我雇佣了一群临时工。很明显的例子是,当我开发完一款AAA级游戏后,尽管大获成功,但公司里参与开发的员工却几乎都辞职了,这简直是匪夷所思。同样匪夷所思的是连续制作相同类型的游戏十分容易导致员工辞职,我从未听说Paradox Interactive的员工会因为连续制作SLG游戏而辞职。 虽然员工会自行辞职符合现实,但现实中有许多办法挽留员工,所以这个功能在不完善的时候对游戏性起不了多大的作用。 我发现员工会因为没工作任务,没工作场所,工作场所所处位置等等原因辞职,可是满足这些很难。 建议:

  1. 增加与员工签订工作合同的功能,因为游戏里的员工需要培养。
  2. 招聘员工时显示员工的离职意向,任何公司在招聘时都会询问对方可能的离职原因。
  3. 增加工作内容,例如对产品的售后,对产品bug的修复,对电子商店的支持等等,因为没任务的员工会倾向于辞职,即使工资并未减少,而游戏里并没有太多工作任务可供选择。
  4. 增加员工福利功能,福利影响员工离职意向。
  5. 增加人事管理者职位,自行招聘与解雇员工,这是最简单的解决办法。

这个问题如同bug让我很烦恼,尤其当游戏里的公司规模大了之后,我80%的时间都用在了调整员工。 —————————— There seems to be no more way to improve employee satisfaction, but it is easy to see why.

In the latest version, it's easy to reach the employee resignation limit. After developing a AAA level game, a large number of employees quit, or even all of them quit, leaving only the protagonist. It's very troublesome. It feels like I hired a group of temporary workers. The obvious example is that after I developed a AAA level game, although it was a great success, almost all the employees in the company who participated in the development resigned, which is just amazing. It's also amazing that continuous production of the same type of games is very easy to cause employees to resign. I never heard that employees of Paradox Interactive will resign because of continuous production of SLG games.

Although it is realistic for employees to resign themselves, there are many ways to retain employees in reality, so this function will not play a significant role in gameplay when it is not perfect.

I found that employees would quit because of no work tasks, no workplace, workplace location and other reasons, but it is difficult to meet these.


  1. Add the function of signing work contract with employees, because the employees in the game need to be trained.

  2. Display the employee's intention to quit when recruiting. Any company will ask the other party about the possible reasons for leaving.

  3. Add work content, such as after-sales of products, bug repair of products, support for e-stores, etc., because employees without tasks tend to resign, even if their salaries are not reduced, and there are not too many work tasks to choose from in the game.

  4. Add employee benefits function, which affects employee turnover intention.

  5. The simplest solution is to increase the position of personnel manager and recruit and dismiss employees by yourself.

This problem bothers me like a bug. Especially when the company in the game is large, I spend 80% of my time adjusting employees.

xsellier commented 4 years ago

Thank you for that feedback, and thank for writing it in english. I don't speak mandarin at all.

About the suggestions you've made, and the issue you've encountered with the employee happiness. You can hire a HR and attach the HR to the studio. That way, once an employee has stopped working it going on vacation, and it is going to restore its happiness. Also, making an AAA game is not easy, I recommand you to assign your employees to specific tasks (deisng/development or polish, at most 2 of those 3). Having your employees working on every single aspect of the game will lead to its sadness, so they are going to quit your company.

About balancing the employee happiness, Im thinking about it, and your suggestions are very welcome. Adding a benefit function might be great, but it might lead to a micro-management nightmare. So I need to think about an easy alternative for players to enjoy the game.

I might not implement those 3 suggestions, maybe just 2 of them (first and the last).