binogure-studio / city-game-studio-i18n

Translation files for City Game Studio
52 stars 101 forks source link

Suggestion: Improvement studies #393

Open Kloriuwun opened 4 years ago

Kloriuwun commented 4 years ago

As seen in Mad Game Tycoon, that the player has the opportunity to refine or perfect a game with different studios; As for example, optimization, bug repair (not included in game developers and whether it is a studio or a different floor in the building) testers, creating real animations. For example a studio where they are used to create animations and motion capture with green background, sound studies, music etc. I know it sounds a little ambitious, but MGT did it but in a more small way. The fact that there are different studies that are aimed at refining the project would be excellent. What do you think?

Fozehor commented 4 years ago

I Support It 💌

GeneralNW commented 4 years ago

Agreed this would be a great addition to the gameplay but might take some time.