As seen in Mad Game Tycoon, that the player has the opportunity to refine or perfect a game with different studios; As for example, optimization, bug repair (not included in game developers and whether it is a studio or a different floor in the building) testers, creating real animations. For example a studio where they are used to create animations and motion capture with green background, sound studies, music etc. I know it sounds a little ambitious, but MGT did it but in a more small way. The fact that there are different studies that are aimed at refining the project would be excellent. What do you think?
As seen in Mad Game Tycoon, that the player has the opportunity to refine or perfect a game with different studios; As for example, optimization, bug repair (not included in game developers and whether it is a studio or a different floor in the building) testers, creating real animations. For example a studio where they are used to create animations and motion capture with green background, sound studies, music etc. I know it sounds a little ambitious, but MGT did it but in a more small way. The fact that there are different studies that are aimed at refining the project would be excellent. What do you think?