binogure-studio / city-game-studio-i18n

Translation files for City Game Studio
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Bug: my save game is locked #598

Closed ea76 closed 3 years ago

ea76 commented 3 years ago

hi, my save is locked at the end of the month and dont proceed,i spent many times for this game,could you do anything to make it work again? I reported also as a bug within game menu.Thanks

ea76 commented 3 years ago


I opened another previously saved game(which i saved in January 2005) and played totally different but at the same time that is the end of May 2006 the game is stopping again,the application is not responding. For this game i spent more than 1 months,is possible for you to do something??

ea76 commented 3 years ago

note : i opened again the save game that i saved in January 2005 and this time fast forwarded by doing nothing until May 2006 and the game didnt stop this time at the end of May 2006 !! So what may cause this problem? May it be related with the size of the save game ?

xsellier commented 3 years ago

N idea since I haven't your savegame and the description is really not clear at all. I cannot help you if you don't describe the problem you encounter.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

I reported bug for the save files so you can see them. the game stops working at the end of May 2006.I started playing as usual from January 2005,produce games,did contracts etc... and then it stops at the end of May 2006,the application is not responding then. but i started again the save game again that is from January 2005 and did nothing just fast forwarded to see whether it will stop again at the end of May 2006 and it didnt stop and continued to the next month.

xsellier commented 3 years ago


I received your bug reports indeed! Thank you for the report. I'm gonna try to reproduce your issue, however 55Mb, that is a HUGE savegame!

ea76 commented 3 years ago

it was a usual game which started at 1976,you many times helped me in this game,did you remember the game making menu was opening very late and you corrected...

ea76 commented 3 years ago

yes because there is near 3000 games produced inside

xsellier commented 3 years ago

I do remember! Oh god, that savegame is reallllllly huge. I dont know how to handle a save that is that big!

ea76 commented 3 years ago

it will be a huge disappointment for me to see that i couldnt finish this game but i know that you always helped me and did your best thank you indeed.It was the fault of me may be,because i see that one person scored more than 3M points,so decided to break the record but ....

xsellier commented 3 years ago

One good news for you. I know why the game freezes, and I know how to fix that.

The bad news, it is gonna take me a while to fix it

ea76 commented 3 years ago

I am really sorry of disturbing you in your too much crowded working schedule indeed...

xsellier commented 3 years ago

No worries, thank you for that report, you impressed me really. That savegame is huge!

ea76 commented 3 years ago

thank you for you 2 for creating this beautiful game...

ea76 commented 3 years ago

many times i changed my tactics of playing this last game as i was on the verge of leaving it in the late middle ::) the change that you made with publishing limitless game,gave me the force to continue...

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Im publishing a hotfix on the usntable steam branch. Just tested it, you can go past May 2006 without any issue. But, regarding your savegame I have to say I need to implement paginations on several panels (in-dev and released-game panel). Otherwise the game is so laggy that it is barely playable.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

thank you very very much, but according to you shall i wait some time to play it? Do you think those paginations will take too much time? SORRY !!!

xsellier commented 3 years ago

It is going to tkae a while to implement indeed. ETA mid-may

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Update released, yo ucan start playing again ;)

ea76 commented 3 years ago

i see, thank you for all your efforts; one more time sorry for all the burden that i gave you... will i heard from you when those implementations are ready?

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Im gonna update this ticket as soon as the update is ready.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

okey, take care yourself, nice to meet you...

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Patched part of the game already. So if you load the latest version you should get few extra FPS. But the pagination hasn't been implemented yet.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

thank you indeed really appreciated...

ea76 commented 3 years ago

after our conversation i updated the game 2 times with short breaks;then i played 2 months without problem,after the 3rd month the game freezed again i reported as bug so you can check last situation in terms of speed right now the game is in the same speed(waiting time) as before this problem...

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Found out the root cause and fixed it! Sorry for the delay!

ea76 commented 3 years ago

hi, no problem for the delay,does this mean that i can play right now?

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Not yet, I double checking the fix before publishing the update.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

ok thanks, i will wait news from you to play again...

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Update published!

ea76 commented 3 years ago

thanks indeed,you mentioned about implementing paginatations with ETA mid May;may i ask does this process continue or you managed to fix completely and it is ready?

xsellier commented 3 years ago

I still have some work to do

ea76 commented 3 years ago

okey,thanks in advance for your efforts...

ea76 commented 3 years ago

hi,hope you re well i am really sorry to disturb you again but the game freezed one more time;after you fixed last time i managed to play from 2006 to February 2014 but now it doesnt proceed further.It remained less than 7 years to finish the game,i hope i can see the end; i reported the save game as bug so you can check the last situation..

xsellier commented 3 years ago


I'm really sorry about that bug. Thank you for the new bug report,Im gonna chekc it ASAP.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

hi,thanks no problem The game saving style is not old-fashioned,we are saving over and over until quitting;do you think that this may inflate the size of the save game much more than it is expected?

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Saving again and again doesn't inflate the size of the save game much more than expected since it only saved what's needed. But the more you play, the bigger the save game size is.

xsellier commented 3 years ago


Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience. A fix is available, I tested the whole 2014 year and everyhing seems to run smoothly. Please tell me if everything is fine for you too.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

hi, thank you very much,i will try at the weekend...

ea76 commented 3 years ago

i am really sorry to inform you but nothing changed,it freezes the same place and dont proceed to the next month as i tried 3 times,i reported as bug report so you can check further.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

i have only 2 save files,one is saved in beginning February 2014 and the other at the 3rd stop time of the same February 2014(i made the copy of first save file and started playing with this save file),i tried with both,they are freezing

xsellier commented 3 years ago

They are going to freeze, but it should work after 2 or 3 minutes. Because of your savegame I have to add an algorithm that dynamically allocate memory to the signal array. Since your savegame needs ~128Mo of memory, it has to realloc memory from 16Mo to 32Mo, then to 64Mo then to 128Mo. After those transitions your game shouldn't freeze anymore. But it means, everytime you load your savegame it is going to do that (I'm really sorry, the other solution would have been to allocate 128Mo by default, but it means the game won't work on toaster computers).

I will add a launch option to let you allocate more memory by default.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

i understand the explanation and i thank you for developing for me the algorithm but may be my computer is bad and for this reason it is not working as i waited 10 minutes after freezing(2 times) what happens is following: 1-the music stops and freezing starts 2-there is not any movement(the application is not responding) 3- i press ctrl+alt+del then i see a message on another window that "godot engine" stopped working

xsellier commented 3 years ago

I see. Let me try another thing. I think the game feezes because it has crashed (just dumping a big memory takes time)

ea76 commented 3 years ago

i agree with you that it freezes because it has already crashed

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Ok, so I patched my previous code, and it should work better(it is also more optimized). May you please try it again?

ea76 commented 3 years ago

here are my comments :
1-i tried the new patch,it is similar,it crashes and freezes 2-due to fan evolving treschold,a game of 99 score easily loses more than 600K fans while a score of +105 hardly gains 500K fans;this give me the idea so i decided to delete from right panel all games with negative fans(it is barely scrolling with mouse wheel because there are enormous games on sales market) I think that every month i am adding max 10 games and if i remove 20 from right side may be something change;the result is SUCCESS i proceed to next month :) 3-i have to admit the game is really slow now,not the same level before i contacted to you for this problem;although the size of the save game didnt change yet as i didnt play 4-to tell you the truth we can not name this issue as bug,this is my stupidity to believe that making tons of games will help me to make the high score;maximum 1 or 2 person can contact you over 1000 person for such case,so you can remove bug label from it at least,but i am really grateful that you are helping me,otherwise this game have no chance at all to see the end...

ea76 commented 3 years ago

5- of course i am not sure with this strategy of removing from market some games i can pass all the months remaining...

xsellier commented 3 years ago

I'm really sorry about that issue. I mean you are the only player who has a savegame over 20 Mb. Good news is you helped me fixing a lot of issues, and Im really thankful for that! I tried your savegame and it seems to run fine on my computer, I haven't tried on windows yet (just moved into a new home, so I haven't setup everything yet). I'm gonna try it out as soon as I receive a new desk. I can tell that on OSX and Linux it works just fine.

ea76 commented 3 years ago

hi, i am glad that i forced the limits of the game so that you fixed those issues. according to what you said then, either the problem still continue with windows or this game needs a little better computer than mine at least, meanwhile i wish you a new good life in your new home !

ea76 commented 3 years ago

by the way after our last contact i managed to play 1 year more with my strategy until i sleep :)