binogure-studio / city-game-studio-i18n

Translation files for City Game Studio
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Suggestion: Accessories for games. #704

Open FoaxZed opened 2 years ago

FoaxZed commented 2 years ago

My idea is that you can make custom accessories for games, e.g a rhythm game can get a guitar accessory. This isn't the same as game consoles, as they have controllers, however, accessories are able to be bundled with a console, e.g how the xBox One came with the Kinect. This will need engine support and it will make you lose fans if constant, but it'll also bring a lot of money if the game does well. This will be quite dangerous if you are making it with a game, as if the game doesn't do well, a lot of money will be lost.

FoaxZed commented 2 years ago

I'm going to add on a bit more: There's multiple types you can choose from, the most popular being motion sensor. Certain games, such as beat them up games, wouldn't work well with an accessory such as a guitar for rhythm games. Some games will work better with certain accessories, such as racing having wheels. Mod makers can make models for the accessories, and they can add more types. The types which already exist are: Motion sensor (e.g Kinect, unlocked in 2005), racing wheel (unlocked in 1995) and instrument controllers (e.g things such as guitar hero, unlocked in 2005.)