binogure-studio / city-game-studio-i18n

Translation files for City Game Studio
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Consider Boasting the PS5 and XBox Series X graphics capabilities and maybe extending the end-game year? #854

Open Tyronis opened 1 year ago

Tyronis commented 1 year ago

I feel the Graphics capability of the Ps5 and Xbox Series X should be at least in the 105-107 range, right now at 96 (Ps4 is 91 , and the Ps5 is definitely more powerful then a ps4), it's harder to get those end-game features in the Ps5 and Xbox Series X, so having it at the 105 range would bring a nice end-game push to those consoles, while still be slightly less powerful then the Skylight 11 (Windows 11) which is at a whopping 112 graphic output as it should be.

While we are at Graphics output, please also consider boasting the Windows 10 graphics output to perhaps to the 90 range, right now the Ps4 has a better graphical output then a PC, and I know my Windows 10 PC with a 2080 card blows my Ps4 out of the water for example, heh. Unless that's intentional to simulate the casual PC users. However, if it's the case, then I do find it the strange that Windows 8 and Windows 10 have identical Computing and Graphic output.

Finally, the last suggestion I would like to make and not sure if it's possible since it probably would require more story and stuff, but would you consider extending the end-game to 2030 at least? This way, it gives you 10 full years to play around with the Ps5 and Xbox series X consoles before you score is calculated. Naturally, as I think about it it may have a drastic effect on the leaderboard and such, but if it's something that can be considered, that would be awesome :).

Keep up the great work!