binogure-studio / city-game-studio-i18n

Translation files for City Game Studio
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Suggestion: QoL improvements for the discount feature #867

Open guto8797 opened 8 months ago

guto8797 commented 8 months ago

Discounting your game is a pretty good way to increase sales and aquire more fans, and its a thing done very frequently. It is however, a bit of a chore. You can only set a maximum time of 6 months for a discount, and you must input the discount duration manually or click and hold the arrows, which can be a bit annoying if you like to set up precise percentages like 25%

If possible, I think it would be a good feature to set up a few "quick" buttons, such as -20% -5% +5% +20% to quickly increase or decrease a discount, letting you set up discounts just a tiny bit faster.

Likewise for the duration, as well as the possibility of a larger discount than 6 months. a few buttons such as 3 months 6 months 12 months to allow the player to more quickly select the desired lenght of time without having to click the arrows multiple times or hold them.

Another possibility, albeit a more time consuming one and perhaps not worth it, is the ability to "automate" discounts, like how you can automate participating in conventions. If you always apply discounts in the same way, such as a 20% discount after 3 months, raising to 50% after 6 and finaly to 90% until the end of the game's life cycle, it would save on a lot of clicking if you could set that up as a default behaviour for all future games, but as said, perhaps not worth the development time.