binogure-studio / city-game-studio-i18n

Translation files for City Game Studio
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Suggestion: Add license (movie, books , tv series, sport) #97

Open Tesba opened 5 years ago

Tesba commented 5 years ago

will need a lot of fake names or develop a random license generator

bind the license to one theme and a few genres => e.g. a football license won't work well with genre: shooter or theme: ocean

also the license should have its own popularity/trend

time frame to use the license: should be in years (randomize 2-5 years) not games, if you buy a license and can't put out a game with it you wasted your money and have to deal with it.

appearance of a license, make a new tab at the finances-menu, there could be 10 licenses every 1/4year.

license cost calculation: popularity and time frame you can use the license

sport licenses should be good for: simulation sport sim. economy-sim.

motorsport: simulation vehicle racing driver

movies/books/tv-series: would be very different, because there are tons of themes by itself. could lead to almost any theme and genres. best go for this would really be a license generator.

license generator: name, one theme, few genres, timeframe, popularity, calculated cost

if you would choose to develop a generator, let it be possible to mod additional licenses to the game, i know, from other games. that there are people who want to do that.

Zarys26 commented 4 years ago

Je complète l'idée de Tesba :

Une licence à un poids de vente qui peut varié selon le nombre de copies vendu et du nombre de fans. exemple : licence "zelda" s'est vendu à 100 000 exemplaires (tout jeux de cette licence confondu) avec une base de fans de 50 000 fans. Donc le prix de vente de cette licence varie selon ces 2 chiffres. Mais attention si un jeu de la licence est mauvais il est possible que le prix de la licence baisse.

Dans cette idée, le jeu CGS contrôlerait s'il n'y a pas 2 même licences.

============================================================= I complete Tesba's idea:

A license has a sales weight that can vary depending on the number of copies sold and the number of fans. example: license "zelda" sold 100 000 copies (all games of this license combined) with a fan base of 50 000 fans. So the selling price of this license varies according to these 2 figures. But beware if a game of the license is bad it is possible that the price of the license will go down.

In this idea, the CGS game would control if there are not 2 same licenses.

Translated with (free version)

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Now, I love menus. Would it be possible to have a menu that includes your franchises? This is, games that have at least a sequel or maybe two? On this menu, having info such as platforms where the series had releases so far, total revenue from all titles, most successful entry, genres the series has covered, latest title, which studios have worked on it, etc.

Adding to this, having the option to develop spin-offs would be cool, even if purely cosmetic. I think that this would also go together well with this suggestion[] already left months ago.

Also, this system could work together with the exclusivity one. A company would sign your next three games of said series to their console, for example. Could be interesting.

xsellier commented 3 years ago

E.G. Movies. A popular movie gets released? Buy the license and make a game within X to Y time frame for an increased hype / popularity bonus.

Make a bad game with a good movie license? Take a big rep / fan loss, moreso than usual as punishment.

This would create a risky yet rewarding chance at making a game.

If you plan to implement I'd suggest googling a top 100 movie list to start with and changing the names to work with C.G.S. or to just > randomly generate names and dates for each.

You could also expand it beyond movies to things like books, companies [like Pepsiman or Spot], and so on