binsentsu / home-assistant-solaredge-modbus

Home assistant Component for reading data locally from Solaredge inverter through modbus TCP
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Power control gets overruled #232

Open RedWheiler80 opened 2 months ago

RedWheiler80 commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your work.

I've connected my inverter with home assistant and everything works great except...

When I change the number for the 'power control' it does work, but gets overruled by the inverter itself after a couple of seconds back to 100%.

Seems like I'm overlooking some setting I think...

Stievo9997 commented 2 months ago

I've got exact same issue. It worked before, but now for some reasons it's get overruled after a few seconds and is goes back to 100%

knilessew commented 2 months ago

Same over here. Even if I set the value on the inverter itself.. HA keeps it at 100%.

gijsrrr commented 2 months ago

Same over here, nothing in the debug logs from HA that it's "resetting" to 100.

sk72 commented 2 months ago

Isn't this related to this remark in the documentation? Power control is disabled by default. It can be enabled in the configuration of this integration by setting power_control to true. When power control is enabled number.solaredge_active_power_limit is available in Home Assistant for reading and writing. The actual value of the active power limit is read together with the other values of the inverter.

Now I only need to figure out where I can put this config line...

gijsrrr commented 2 months ago

Isn't this related to this remark in the documentation? Power control is disabled by default. It can be enabled in the configuration of this integration by setting power_control to true. When power control is enabled number.solaredge_active_power_limit is available in Home Assistant for reading and writing. The actual value of the active power limit is read together with the other values of the inverter.

Now I only need to figure out where I can put this config line...

You need to put it in .storage\core.config_entries

Mine looks as such (I have power control set to TRUE) { "entry_id": "<REDACTED>", "version": 1, "minor_version": 1, "domain": "solaredge_modbus", "title": "solaredge", "data": { "name": "solaredge", "host": "<REDACTED>", "port": 1502, "modbus_address": 1, "read_meter_1": false, "read_meter_2": false, "read_meter_3": false, "read_battery_1": false, "read_battery_2": false, "power_control": true, "scan_interval": 30 },

I'm still not able to adjust the power control entry, this did work before.

Stievo9997 commented 2 months ago

I did followed :

So i enabled Reactive power mode to RRCR, but it is still not working. The only thing which i couldn't find is Power Control to enable.

I also added the power control to true in .storage\core.config_entries, but also no difference.

But the strange thing is, that it worked before,

I found someone with the same issue: he enabled all the possible things in the inverter. After that it worked, but dont know what the specfic setting is to make this work again

gijsrrr commented 2 months ago

Also could not find power control in the SE SetApp but Reactive Power was already set to RRCR. Same as @Stievo9997 it has worked before on my end. It just stopped working one day.

leroyraw commented 1 month ago

Got the same issue. It all worked as intended before, but it seems something has changed on the Solar Edge side, seen it briefly sets the Active Power Limit, for example to 0. I really quickly see the power going to 0 as well, and a second later it is back at 100%.

All worked perfect before, nothing has changed, except the option in the Solar Edge app to fill in your power supplier contract and shut the panels off based on ENTSO-E dynamic prices. I suspect the cause of this issue is in there somewhere, since they control the Active Power Limit via this setting.

In the provided link before I see the developer talking about a different setting that can be used for that now, which is called Power Reduce, that might be the way to solve this issue?

mourmeer commented 1 month ago

where do I find: .storage\core.config_entries ??

biemond commented 1 month ago

looks like some settings are sticky or changed after something was done on the solaredge mobile app.

This user had success by doing a reset of the inverter.

Indeed, something seems to stick after using tariff optimization. And it seemingly is not in de modbus communication but in the power control. And seems to be an invisible setting, reset when reloading the default power control settings. Nice to know.