binste / dbt-ibis

Write your dbt models using Ibis
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[Question] Unit Testing #60

Open rchui opened 2 weeks ago

rchui commented 2 weeks ago

Is there a recommended path for how to unit test dbt-ibis models?

binste commented 2 weeks ago

I don't have a specific recommendation but I think you're quite flexible:

Anything specific you'd want to test?

rchui commented 2 weeks ago

I think were interested unit testing more of our DBT pipelines in general and dbt-ibis seems like an interesting bridge to get there (we're aware of dbt unit tests). Specifically there are CTEs defined in SQL that we would like to be unit tested due to some complex business logic.

If you want to write the tests in Python, you could use pytest or similar and import the model function with something like I have here. If it's helpful, I could make this function public (removing the _ from the name)

Could you provide a simple example of how you would use the aforementioned function in something like pytest?

binste commented 1 week ago

Not sure how you could make dbt-ibis work with SQL models, curious to see what you come up with!

Here's a minimal example:


from dbt_ibis import depends_on, ref

def model(orders):
    return orders.limit(2)

In your tests, you could then do:

from pathlib import Path

import ibis
import pandas as pd
from dbt_ibis import _get_expr_func

def test_some_orders_model():
    # Setup with some mock data in an in-memory duckdb database
    model = _get_expr_func(Path("<path to your dbt model>/some_orders_model.ibis"))
    con = ibis.duckdb.connect()
    orders = con.read_in_memory(pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"order_id": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}))

    # Test
    result_table = model(orders)
    result_df = result_table.execute()

    # Assert
    assert result_df.shape[0] == 2
    # ... Add more tests either on the Ibis table or on the Pandas dataframe or ...