binwiederhier / ntfy

Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/POST
Apache License 2.0
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`click`/`x-click` header support for iOS #1093

Closed brian6932 closed 2 weeks ago

brian6932 commented 1 month ago

:bulb: Idea

When a notification that has a click/x-click header associated with it, or if you click the entry within the topic in the app, the click action should either open the link in the header, or a button should be included that opens the header link. Anyone coming from PushBullet would like this. :computer: Target components

iOS app

binwiederhier commented 3 weeks ago

It does that. If tap on the notification it'll open the click link. That's literally what it's for.

brian6932 commented 3 weeks ago

My bad, it does work on Android, it doesn't seem to work for me on iOS though. I can't seem to get notifications to work at all for me on iOS, and clicking the item in the topic doesn't seem to open the link, only body text to clipboard.

brian6932 commented 2 weeks ago

Closed in favor of #586 (duplicate)