:bulb: Idea
As ntfy currently works is pretty easy for anyone to make a mistake and expose sensitive info on ntfy.sh because the app uses that host as the default, it only takes a mistake in placing the configuration files correctly to expose your data. For this please release a separate build of ntfy that doesn't have any hardcoded default host and instead rely solely on either the config file or the commands to pick the host where to publish the messages.
:computer: Target components
Executable builds that act as clients.
:bulb: Idea As ntfy currently works is pretty easy for anyone to make a mistake and expose sensitive info on ntfy.sh because the app uses that host as the default, it only takes a mistake in placing the configuration files correctly to expose your data. For this please release a separate build of ntfy that doesn't have any hardcoded default host and instead rely solely on either the config file or the commands to pick the host where to publish the messages.
:computer: Target components Executable builds that act as clients.