binwiederhier / ntfy

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iOS: Click to copy #279

Open binwiederhier opened 1 year ago

fresh2dev commented 1 year ago

I was evaluating ntfy as a short of clipboard-sharing / link-sharing mechanism between my Linux devices and my iPhone. Everything was going well until I hit the wall of not being able to copy the notification text on my iPhone.

binwiederhier commented 1 year ago

I am so sorry about this. I really want to work on this and it should be easy, but it wasn't simple to do when I released the initial version of the app. I will eventually get to it, but right now I have some personal things that take priority.

Try tapping the text and see if it copied it. I mayy have left the "copy text" feature in there without giving any visual indication that it actually copied it. iOS doesn't have "Toast" messages like Android. I'm not 100% sure if I left the code for that in the app though.

bhank commented 1 year ago

Tapping the text does indeed copy it.

r4zzz4k commented 1 year ago

Just had a check -- can confirm, it's copying, just not showing popup message the same way Android app shows the toast. It's a bit confusing, but it's nice to know copying silently works via this issue :)

plia7 commented 11 months ago

I am so sorry about this. I really want to work on this and it should be easy, but it wasn't simple to do when I released the initial version of the app. I will eventually get to it, but right now I have some personal things that take priority.

Try tapping the text and see if it copied it. I mayy have left the "copy text" feature in there without giving any visual indication that it actually copied it. iOS doesn't have "Toast" messages like Android. I'm not 100% sure if I left the code for that in the app though.

Can confirm silent copy works on my iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14.4.1. But the copy is not consistent sometimes doesn't work, will be better if some copy indicator (toast) will show if possible or a copy button. Thanks.

SkilledAlpaca commented 1 month ago

Confirming that "Silent Copy" still works on app version 1.3 (4) and iOS 17.3.1 with a 13 Pro Max

pierz commented 5 hours ago

Would be great if one could also copy the topic name (I checked if a [long] tap copied it but no luck..)