binwiederhier / ntfy

Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/POST
Apache License 2.0
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Linux client #805

Open johnlpe opened 1 year ago

johnlpe commented 1 year ago

Please client for Linux.


binwiederhier commented 1 year ago

Welcome to GitHub. I can't believe you joined just to open this issue. :wave:

Afaik @vkrause is working on this as part of -- though I am not sure how active the development this is, and if I 100% understood this correctly.

@karmanyaahm may know more.

johnlpe commented 1 year ago

Welcome to GitHub. I can't believe you joined just to open this issue. wave

I prefer local and Codeberg :D

Afaik @vkrause is working on this as part of -- though I am not sure how active the development this is, and if I 100% understood this correctly.

AFAIK, KUnifiedPush is only library for applications. Online service -> distributor server (ntfy server) -> distributor client (:exclamation: ntfy client :exclamation:) -> application (that use KUnifiedPush)

johnlpe commented 1 year ago

Stupid question: why unified-push tag? I mean ntfy support only UnifiedPush, right?

vkrause commented 1 year ago

Afaik @vkrause is working on this as part of -- though I am not sure how active the development this is, and if I 100% understood this correctly.

The code mostly works, the remaining blockers to actually release this are the Flatpak portal push notification API as well as getting the server infrastructure in place for our users not having access to this otherwise (so applications can actually rely on push notifications). The latter involves some non-technical aspects and isn't particularly fast or visible work indeed.

karmanyaahm commented 1 year ago

Stupid question: why unified-push tag? I mean ntfy support only UnifiedPush, right?

ntfy is a wide-ranging service that supports sending notifications between any two devices. For regular ntfy notifications, there is already a Linux CLI:

UnifiedPush is just one of many additional features of ntfy, and inherently, a UnifiedPush ntfy distributor would distribute notifications from the ntfy app to various applications. The KUnifiedPush distributor supports ntfy and other servers.

osering commented 6 months ago

Linux client would be beneficial, as more and more arm64/aarch64 devices run linux - raspberryPi (and other berries&boards), tvboxes, armbian, ubuntu touch, jolla, WebOs, Tizen, Enigma e.t.c. The optimal concept would be Command Line client (demon) and (optional) GUI - like Android client frontend. Together with Mqtt could be integrated in home automation systems. P.S. FreeBSD/TrueOS (mainly servers) client could be considered as well. P.P.S. Unfortunately KDE usually has many dependences, so more resource hungry and not optimal on headless systems.