An app that keeps track of all users' recipes and ingredients. It will allow the user to save ingredients, keep track of what they have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what the user have and missing from a recipe. Built with Ruby on Rails and Postgres.
Here are the changes we implemented to the project.
Followed the layout of the wireframes provided and personalized it.
Built login page and registration page with Devise.
Displayed a list of recipes created by the logged-in user as in the wireframe which led to recipe details.
Displayed a list of all public recipes ordered by the newest as in the wireframe and led to recipe details.
Displayed a toggle button that allows for a recipe to be made public or private.
For public recipes or if the user is the owner of the recipe, should display the recipe details as in the wireframe.
Made sure no N+1 queries are happening.
Created a navigation menu that allows users to open all of the pages you created.
Wrote unit and integration tests
Displayed a list of food added by the logged-in user as in the wireframe which led to a form that allows users to add new food.
Displayed the list of food missing for all recipes of the logged-in user (compare the list of food for all recipes with the general food list of that user).
Hi Reviewer 👋
Here are the changes we implemented to the project.