The Builder pattern is one of the Creational patterns. The Builder pattern is an object design pattern created to build a complex object using simple objects and using a step-by-step approach, building objects independently of other objects.
Builder Pattern is built to overcome some disadvantages of Factory Pattern and Abstract Factory Pattern when Object has many properties.
There are three main problems with Factory Pattern and Abstract Factory Pattern when Object has many properties:
Too many parameters have to be passed from the client side to the Factory Class.
Some parameters can be optional but in Factory Pattern we have to send all parameters, with optional parameters, if nothing is entered, it will be passed as null.
If an Object has too many properties, the creation will be complicated.
The Builder pattern is one of the Creational patterns. The Builder pattern is an object design pattern created to build a complex object using simple objects and using a step-by-step approach, building objects independently of other objects.
Builder Pattern is built to overcome some disadvantages of Factory Pattern and Abstract Factory Pattern when Object has many properties.
There are three main problems with Factory Pattern and Abstract Factory Pattern when Object has many properties: