Multi-Omics Factor Analysis
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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createMOFAobject() function - error with view names #19

Closed QinqinHuang closed 6 years ago

QinqinHuang commented 6 years ago


I tried to create a MOFA object from an existing list. The names of the list is not NULL, but createMOFAobject() assigns new view names for it. I had a look at it and I think here:

if(!is.null(names(data))) { ## it should be if(is.null(names(data))), right? warning(paste0("View names are not specified in the data, renaming them to: ", paste0("view",1:length(data), collapse=", "), "\n")) names(data) <- paste("view",1:length(data), sep="") }

Thanks for this tool! I'm really interested to apply it on my dataset.

rargelaguet commented 6 years ago

Hi Qinqin, you are right, i just introduced this bug in my last commit. It is fixed now, thanks!

QinqinHuang commented 6 years ago

Thanks, Ricard!

QinqinHuang commented 6 years ago

Hi Ricard,

I feel something is still going on there.. If I run:

data("CLL_data"); MOFAobject <- createMOFAobject(CLL_data) MOFAobject

The view names are still missing: Untrained MOFA model with the following characteristics: Number of views: 4 View names:
Number of features per view: 310 4248 5000 69 Number of samples: 200

And apparently when trying to plot using plotTilesData(), the colour values can not be assigned either.

I did not have this issue yesterday.. I think this happened since your last commit & I reinstalled the package :)

Thanks, Qinqin

rargelaguet commented 6 years ago

Apologies, didn't quite fix it :) I just made another commit. Can you try now?

QinqinHuang commented 6 years ago

Yeah it's working now. Thank you!