biocodellc / geome-ui

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for multi-expedition loading disable reload option #135

Open jdeck88 opened 6 years ago

jdeck88 commented 6 years ago

safer to disable re-load option on multi-expedition loads

jdeck88 commented 5 years ago

The original intention of disabling this feature i think was to prevent a single user from overwriting most project data when force-reloading sample/tissue data, thus the line about "...safer to disable re-load on multi-expedition loads". However, photo data is different in that this would be typically a single user managing photos for an entire project and the photos being referenced (if using CSV option) would only reference photos and not other entities. If we can isolate just photos being acted on in the force-reload then this would be OK to bring back i think. I'm bringing this up because updating photos using the interface for Moorea Biocode would currently require 40 interactions with the user interface (downloading a CSV photo file and updating separately for each expedition). This is not really tenable.

So, assuming we enable force reload on photos options ONLY would it just act on deleting photos or it would it act on samples and tissues also?