Closed pablosolar closed 7 months ago
Hi @pablosolar UTA is a PostgreSQL database. To connect via Python (as seen in the readme):
import psycopg2, psycopg2.extras
conn = psycopg2.connect(" dbname=uta user=anonymous password=anonymous")
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
Thank you @korikuzma. Now I connect successfully. But my question is, isn't there any doc or something where I can view the tables?
Could you help me at least to get the transcripts for chr2:47641560-A-T
@pablosolar There is no documentation that I'm aware of. I use pgAdmin 4 for my local instance of UTA, so I can see the tables. The schemas can be found here.
I really only work on aligning on exons, so the query would look like this (assuming you're using GRCh37):
cur.execute("select tx_ac from uta_20210129.tx_exon_aln_v where alt_ac = 'NC_000002.11' and 47641559 between alt_start_i and alt_end_i;")
row = cur.fetchall()
However, this variant seems to be on an intron. #221 has store full tx-level cigar, including introns
as a bullet point. I don't know of a way to get alignments for introns. @reece can you comment on this?
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This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 7 days with no activity.
Hi all!
I tried several times to connect to the db but I can't. Python looks like pretty simple:
Is your host down or something?
By the other hand, I will like to get the latest transcript for the variant
, how should I define the query? I didn't find any doc or something related.Thank you very much!