bioconda / bioconda-recipes

Conda recipes for the bioconda channel.
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SEPP: upgrade to py3.10 #47895

Open sjanssen2 opened 3 weeks ago

sjanssen2 commented 3 weeks ago

SEPP is part of Since QIIME2 is migrating to py3.10 soon, we need to relax the py3.9 pin. This is now possible, as upstream updated the SEPP python code some month ago. Unfortunately, they are at this time not responsive with regards to creating a new release. Thus - for the moment - I'd change sourcing from HEAD instead of a release. This is mainly due to the approaching deadline of the next QIIME2 release - which we don't want to miss out.

I will revert to stable URLs, once upstream provides the according release.

Please read the guidelines for Bioconda recipes before opening a pull request (PR).

General instructions

Instructions for avoiding API, ABI, and CLI breakage issues

Conda is able to record and lock (a.k.a. pin) dependency versions used at build time of other recipes. This way, one can avoid that expectations of a downstream recipe with regards to API, ABI, or CLI are violated by later changes in the recipe. If not already present in the meta.yaml, make sure to specify run_exports (see here for the rationale and comprehensive explanation). Add a run_exports section like this:

    - ...

with ... being one of:

Case run_exports statement
semantic versioning {{ pin_subpackage("myrecipe", max_pin="x") }}
semantic versioning (0.x.x) {{ pin_subpackage("myrecipe", max_pin="x.x") }}
known breakage in minor versions {{ pin_subpackage("myrecipe", max_pin="x.x") }} (in such a case, please add a note that shortly mentions your evidence for that)
known breakage in patch versions {{ pin_subpackage("myrecipe", max_pin="x.x.x") }} (in such a case, please add a note that shortly mentions your evidence for that)
calendar versioning {{ pin_subpackage("myrecipe", max_pin=None) }}

while replacing "myrecipe" with either name if a name|lower variable is defined in your recipe or with the lowercase name of the package in quotes.

Bot commands for PR management

Please use the following BiocondaBot commands: Everyone has access to the following BiocondaBot commands, which can be given in a comment:
@BiocondaBot please update Merge the master branch into a PR.
@BiocondaBot please add label Add the please review & merge label.
@BiocondaBot please fetch artifacts Post links to CI-built packages/containers.
You can use this to test packages locally.
Note that the @BiocondaBot please merge command is now depreciated. Please just squash and merge instead. Also, the bot watches for comments from non-members that include `@bioconda/` and will automatically re-post them to notify the addressed ``.