Closed daler closed 7 years ago
I marked the remaining packages that are already available on conda-forge. The version string may be slightly different because I converted them to numeric version strings in order to identify the most recent version on conda-forge (using R's as.numeric_version()
I can help with this effort. There are a handful of packages in this list that I was hoping to get into conda-forge. Would it be useful if I submitted a PR with a batch of the singletons? I could start from the bottom of the list to avoid duplicating effort.
@jdblischak thanks for going through these; starting at the bottom of singletons would be fantastic. You could also work on any subdag that is not already being worked on, since they are independent from each other. That might be a better option for you if you have particular packages you want sooner rather than later.
@daler @jdblischak we were able to merge the first bigger batch yesterday. It's still in the CI queue to get coverted to a feedstock but we have some progress :) Thanks for helping so much!
@bgruening great! Can you remind me: once the feedstock is created, it has to be tested again before getting uploaded to the channel?
@daler yes. The feedstock is created by the staged-recipes PR and than a normal run is triggered on the master branch of the feedstock which created the package. I needed to remove 2 recipes from my PR due to build-time outs. So I need to get these in before we can work on your follow-up one.
Got it. Thanks!
@bgruening @jdblischak I'm going through all packages to decide on bio-relatedness; please hold off on editing the original issue above so we don't lose any information. I'll report back here as soon as I'm done.
@bgruening @jdblischak OK, I think I got everything. Should be more straightforward to create conda-forge PRs now.
@daler I can work on the rest of the R packages.
@souravsingh that would be fantastic. I'm a bit crunched for time through the next two weeks.
@souravsingh awesome! I have a big one pending and will update the list accordingly. Currently we are blocked by some CI shortage :(
@souravsingh ok I got my next two pushed, if you would like to take over for today :)
There are currently 6 PRs submitted to conda-forge that have failed CI builds. I've reviewed some of them, but I know many are failing due to missing dependencies. We've merged lots of recipes recently. Should I restart the CI builds on the PRs? Is there any PR in particular that I should investigate? Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
@jdblischak I'm on it. Part of the problem is that we have a few circular dependencies which I try to resolve and that I also need to restart several feedstock repos. This just takes a lot of time. Sorry.
I marked a few more as resolved as I could merge a few RPs in the last day. It does not look that bad, we are getting there :)
Ok, I added a bunch more and restarted a few feedstocks to keep the CIs busy over the weekend.
@daler @jdblischak I spend the last days and pushed it over the finish line. I think we have most of the packages, hopefully all. One last PR is open and this will be merged in the next hours.
So we did it! I also removed a lot of packages from bioconda in the bulk branch. I must admit that I lost a little bit track, but I did my best and hopefully this all looks fine for you.
So we did it!
Awesome! Great work, @bgruening, on making the final push!
@bgruening this is so awesome.
I can't imagine the time you've spent over the past weeks babysitting and restarting CI builds across multiple providers and keeping track of which failed due to dependency feedstocks not being complete . . .
Phew. Amazing work!
As usual there are still things to work on, but I think we archived our goals here and with I'm going to close this one. Thanks all for your help.
In preparation to supporting R 3.4, we are migrating any non-bio-related packages over to the conda-forge channel. This issue aims to organize and track the progress.
Below are the results of:
The list is divided into independent subdags. Each subdag is topologically sorted such that packages at the top are dependencies of packages at the bottom. Within each subdag, recipes should be built in order.
and a short description. These should not be submitted to conda-forge, but we want to keep track of them. We will come through in another pass to work on these.subdag 0
r-htmltools(0.3.6 already in conda-forge)r-mixomicsbio-related (multi-omics integration)r-data.table/1.10.4(already in conda-forge)r-solariusbio-related (linkage and association of QTLs)r-wasabibio-related (prepares Sailfish/Salmon output)r-mutationalpatternsbio-related (visualize base substitutions)r-mitoolsbio-related? (multiple-imputation datasets; examples are bio-related but not sure how general this is)r-porebio-related (nanopore sequencing)r-dynamictreecutbio-related? (dynamic tree cutting; used in coexpression network building)r-rubic/1.0.2bio-related (copy number aberrations)r-rubic/1.0.3bio-related (copy number aberrations)r-globals/0.6.0(not migrating old version)r-sppbio-related (ChIP-seq peak-calling)r-vegan/2.3_4(2.4.3 in conda-forge)r-vegan/2.3_0(2.4.3 in conda-forge)r-vegan/2.3_3(2.4.3 in conda-forge)r-listenv/0.5.0(skipping older version)r-fnn(1.1 in conda-forge)r-ks/1.10.5(skipping old version)r-genenet*bio-related** (gene networks)r-matrixstats(0.52.2 in conda-forge)r-samrbio-related (microarrays)r-soap-nmrbio-related (NMR data)r-future/0.9.0(skipping old version)r-pscbsbio-related (allele-specific CNV detection)r-pscbs/0.61.0(skipping older version)r-colocbio-related (SNP colocalization)r-wgcnabio-related (gene network clustering)r-yaml(2.1.14 in conda-forge)r-knitr(1.16 in conda-forge)r-rmarkdown(1.6 in conda-forge)r-sartoolsbio-related (RNA-seq specific tools; bioconductor dependencies)r-mmgenomebio-related (extracting genomes from metagenomes)r-sleuthbio-related (differential expression from RNA-seq data)r-probmetabbio-related (mass-spec related; bioconductor dependencies)r-ampvisbio-related (visualization of amplicon data)r-aroma.corebio-related (microarrays)r-aroma.affymetrixbio-related (microarrays)r-jsonlite(1.4 in conda-forge)r-htmlwidgets(0.8 in conda-forge)r-plasmidprofilerbio-related (working with plasmids)r-rentrezbio-related (interface to NCBI EUtils)subdag 1
r-mutossbio-related (multiple hypothesis testing; bioconductor dependencies)r-drcbio-related (dose-response analysis)subdag 2
subdag 3
r-diptest/0.75_7(0.75.7 in conda-forge)subdag 4
r-seqinrbio-related (DNA & protein seq analysis and viz)r-cnogprobio-related (copy number and breakpoints in prokaryotes)r-mlgtbio-related (454 pyrosequencing analysis)subdag 5
subdag 6
subdag 7
subdag 8
r-reshape/0.8.6(0.8.6 in conda-forge)subdag 9
r-readmzxmldatabio-related (reading mass spec data)r-readbrukerflexdatabio-related (reading mass spec data)r-maldiquantbio-related (mass spec analysis pipeline)r-maldiquantforeignbio-related (support for maldiquant mass spec package)subdag 10
subdag 11
r-nanostringnormbio-related (working with NanoString data)subdag 12
r-argparse(1.0.4 in conda-forge)r-boutroslabplottinggeneralbio-related (plotting specific kinds of biological data. Note that this is not on CRAN)subdag 13
r-exomedepthbio-related (CNV calling from exome-seq)subdag 14
subdag 15
r-histonehmmbio-related (histone mod ChIP-seq. Not a CRAN or Bioconductor package)subdag 16
subdag 17
subdag 18
subdag 19
r-microseqbio-related (microbial sequence analysis)r-micropanbio-related (visualize microbial genomes)subdag 20
subdag 21
subdag 22
r-qiimerbio-related (work with QIIME output)subdag 23
subdag 24
subdag 25
subdag 26
r-snow(0.4.2 in conda-forge)singletons
r-abindversion 1.4_5 in conda-forger-bio3dbio-related (protein structure and MD data manipulation)r-biombio-related (BIOM format)r-chbutilsbio-related (bioinf tools)r-cimplbio-related (mutagenesis analysis)r-dbchipbio-related (ChIP-seq differential binding. In bioconductor, not CRAN)r-deoptimr(1.0.8 in conda-forge)r-dpeakbio-related (ChIP-seq peak deconvolution. Neither CRAN nor Bioconductor package)r-empiricalfdr.deseq2bio-related (work with DESeq2 output; Bioconductor deps but not in bioconductor)r-matrixeqtlbio-related (eQTL analysis)r-nastiseqbio-related (cis-NAT identification from RNA-seq data. Neither CRAN nor Bioconductor package)r-patprobio-related (visualize QIIME output)r-peerbio-related (batch effects in gene expression)r-proxy(0.4.17 in conda-forge)r-psych( in conda-forge)r-qqmanbio-related (visualizing GWAS data)r-rappdirs(0.3.1 in conda-forge)r-rBLASTbio-related (BLAST interface. Not CRAN or Bioc)r-rcircosbio-related (circos plots. Nominally bio-related; calling it bio-related since the package description explicitly mentions genomic data)r-readr(1.1.0 in conda-forge)r-robustrankaggregbio-related (aggregating ranked lists; specifically mentions gene lists in the description)r-rphylipbio-related (interface to PHYLIP package (phylogeny))r-scrmbio-related (simulate sequences under neutral model)r-speaqbio-related (NMR analysis tools)r-viridis(0.4.0 in conda-forge)