bioconvert / bioconvert

Bioconvert is a collaborative project to facilitate the interconversion of life science data from one format to another.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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got many warnings when call bioconvert --help #256

Closed lufuhao closed 2 years ago

lufuhao commented 3 years ago

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ubuntu 20.04 gcc 9.3 python3.8 pip3 20.0.2

Version of bioconvert

v0.4.3 from pypi

Command or code used

bioconvert fastq2fasta --help

Expected behaviour

10 lines

Your results

site-packages/bioconvert/core/ FutureWarning: The module is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Import numpy directly instead from pandas import np

WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2BEDGRAPH': method mosdepth is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2BIGWIG': method bamCoverage is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2COV': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2CRAM': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2CRAM' for ('bam',) -> ('cram',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2FASTA': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2FASTA' for ('bam',) -> ('fasta',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2FASTA' for ('bam',) -> ('fa',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2FASTA' for ('bam',) -> ('fst',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2FASTQ': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2JSON': method bamtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2JSON' for ('bam',) -> ('json',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2SAM': method pysam is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2SAM': method sambamba is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2SAM': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2SAM' for ('bam',) -> ('sam',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2TSV': method pysam is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2TSV': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2TSV' for ('bam',) -> ('tsv',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BAM2WIGGLE': method wiggletools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2WIGGLE' for ('bam',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2WIGGLE' for ('bam',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BCF2VCF': method bcftools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BCF2VCF' for ('bcf',) -> ('vcf',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BCF2WIGGLE': method wiggletools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BCF2WIGGLE' for ('bcf',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BCF2WIGGLE' for ('bcf',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BED2WIGGLE': method wiggletools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BED2WIGGLE' for ('bed',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BED2WIGGLE' for ('bed',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE': method wiggletools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE' for ('bedgraph',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE' for ('bedgraph',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE' for ('bg',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE' for ('bg',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE': method wiggletools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE' for ('bb',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE' for ('bb',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE' for ('bigbed',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE' for ('bigbed',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE': method wiggletools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE' for ('bigwig',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE' for ('bigwig',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE' for ('bw',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE' for ('bw',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BPLINK2PLINK': method plink is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BPLINK2PLINK' for ('bplink',) -> ('plink',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'BPLINK2VCF': method plink is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BPLINK2VCF' for ('bplink',) -> ('vcf',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CLUSTAL2FASTA': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CLUSTAL2FASTA': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clustal',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clustal',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clustal',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clustal',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('aln',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('aln',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('aln',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('aln',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clw',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clw',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clw',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clw',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CLUSTAL2PHYLIP': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CLUSTAL2STOCKHOLM': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CRAM2BAM': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2BAM' for ('cram',) -> ('bam',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CRAM2FASTA': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTA' for ('cram',) -> ('fasta',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTA' for ('cram',) -> ('fa',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTA' for ('cram',) -> ('fst',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CRAM2FASTQ': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTQ' for ('cram',) -> ('fastq',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTQ' for ('cram',) -> ('fq',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'CRAM2SAM': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2SAM' for ('cram',) -> ('sam',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'DSRC2GZ': method dsrcpigz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'DSRC2GZ' for ('dsrc',) -> ('gz',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'EMBL2FASTA': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'EMBL2GENBANK': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'FASTA2CLUSTAL': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'FASTA2CLUSTAL': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'FASTA2GENBANK': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fasta',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fasta',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fasta',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fasta',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fa',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fa',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fa',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fa',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fst',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fst',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fst',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fst',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'FASTA2PHYLIP': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'FASTA2PHYLIP': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'GENBANK2EMBL': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'GENBANK2FASTA': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'GZ2BZ2': method pigz_pbzip2 is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'GZ2DSRC': method pigzdsrc is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'GZ2DSRC' for ('gz',) -> ('dsrc',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS': method gotree is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('newick',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('newick',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('newick',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('newick',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nw',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nw',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nw',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nw',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nhx',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nhx',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nhx',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nhx',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nwk',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nwk',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nwk',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nwk',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML': method gotree is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('newick',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('newick',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nw',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nw',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nhx',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nhx',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nwk',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nwk',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEXUS2CLUSTAL': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEXUS2CLUSTAL': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEXUS2FASTA': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEXUS2FASTA': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEXUS2NEWICK': method gotree is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nexus',) -> ('phy',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nexus',) -> ('ph',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nexus',) -> ('phylip',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nx',) -> ('phy',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nx',) -> ('ph',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nx',) -> ('phylip',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nex',) -> ('phy',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nex',) -> ('ph',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nex',) -> ('phylip',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nxs',) -> ('phy',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nxs',) -> ('ph',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nxs',) -> ('phylip',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML': method gotree is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nexus',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nexus',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nx',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nx',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nex',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nex',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nxs',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nxs',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PHYLIP2CLUSTAL': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PHYLIP2FASTA': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PHYLIP2FASTA': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS': method goalign is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phy',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phy',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phy',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phy',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('ph',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('ph',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('ph',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('ph',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phylip',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phylip',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phylip',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phylip',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PHYLIP2STOCKHOLM': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK': method gotree is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('newick',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nw',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nhx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nwk',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('xml',) -> ('newick',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('xml',) -> ('nw',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('xml',) -> ('nhx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('xml',) -> ('nwk',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS': method gotree is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('xml',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('xml',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('xml',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('xml',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PLINK2BPLINK': method plink is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PLINK2BPLINK' for ('plink',) -> ('bplink',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'PLINK2VCF': method plink is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PLINK2VCF' for ('plink',) -> ('vcf',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'SAM2BAM': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'SAM2BAM' for ('sam',) -> ('bam',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'SAM2CRAM': method samtools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'SAM2CRAM' for ('sam',) -> ('cram',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'STOCKHOLM2CLUSTAL': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'STOCKHOLM2PHYLIP': method squizz is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'VCF2BCF': method bcftools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2BCF' for ('vcf',) -> ('bcf',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'VCF2BPLINK': method plink is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2BPLINK' for ('vcf',) -> ('bplink',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'VCF2PLINK': method plink is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2PLINK' for ('vcf',) -> ('plink',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.base:152]: converter 'VCF2WIGGLE': method wiggletools is not available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2WIGGLE' for ('vcf',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2WIGGLE' for ('vcf',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2CRAM' for ('bam',) -> ('cram',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2FASTA' for ('bam',) -> ('fasta',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2FASTA' for ('bam',) -> ('fa',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2FASTA' for ('bam',) -> ('fst',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2JSON' for ('bam',) -> ('json',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2SAM' for ('bam',) -> ('sam',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2TSV' for ('bam',) -> ('tsv',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2WIGGLE' for ('bam',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BAM2WIGGLE' for ('bam',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BCF2VCF' for ('bcf',) -> ('vcf',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BCF2WIGGLE' for ('bcf',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BCF2WIGGLE' for ('bcf',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BED2WIGGLE' for ('bed',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BED2WIGGLE' for ('bed',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE' for ('bedgraph',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE' for ('bedgraph',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE' for ('bg',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BEDGRAPH2WIGGLE' for ('bg',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE' for ('bb',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE' for ('bb',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE' for ('bigbed',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGBED2WIGGLE' for ('bigbed',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE' for ('bigwig',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE' for ('bigwig',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE' for ('bw',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BIGWIG2WIGGLE' for ('bw',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BPLINK2PLINK' for ('bplink',) -> ('plink',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'BPLINK2VCF' for ('bplink',) -> ('vcf',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clustal',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clustal',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clustal',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clustal',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('aln',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('aln',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('aln',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('aln',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clw',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clw',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clw',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CLUSTAL2NEXUS' for ('clw',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2BAM' for ('cram',) -> ('bam',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTA' for ('cram',) -> ('fasta',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTA' for ('cram',) -> ('fa',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTA' for ('cram',) -> ('fst',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTQ' for ('cram',) -> ('fastq',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2FASTQ' for ('cram',) -> ('fq',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'CRAM2SAM' for ('cram',) -> ('sam',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'DSRC2GZ' for ('dsrc',) -> ('gz',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fasta',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fasta',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fasta',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fasta',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fa',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fa',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fa',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fa',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fst',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fst',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fst',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'FASTA2NEXUS' for ('fst',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'GZ2DSRC' for ('gz',) -> ('dsrc',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('newick',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('newick',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('newick',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('newick',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nw',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nw',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nw',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nw',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nhx',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nhx',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nhx',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nhx',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nwk',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nwk',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nwk',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2NEXUS' for ('nwk',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('newick',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('newick',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nw',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nw',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nhx',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nhx',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nwk',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEWICK2PHYLOXML' for ('nwk',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nexus',) -> ('phy',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nexus',) -> ('ph',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nexus',) -> ('phylip',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nx',) -> ('phy',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nx',) -> ('ph',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nx',) -> ('phylip',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nex',) -> ('phy',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nex',) -> ('ph',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nex',) -> ('phylip',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nxs',) -> ('phy',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nxs',) -> ('ph',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLIP' for ('nxs',) -> ('phylip',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nexus',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nexus',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nx',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nx',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nex',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nex',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nxs',) -> ('phyloxml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'NEXUS2PHYLOXML' for ('nxs',) -> ('xml',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phy',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phy',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phy',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phy',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('ph',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('ph',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('ph',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('ph',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phylip',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phylip',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phylip',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLIP2NEXUS' for ('phylip',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('newick',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nw',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nhx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nwk',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('xml',) -> ('newick',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('xml',) -> ('nw',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('xml',) -> ('nhx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEWICK' for ('xml',) -> ('nwk',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('phyloxml',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('xml',) -> ('nexus',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('xml',) -> ('nx',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('xml',) -> ('nex',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PHYLOXML2NEXUS' for ('xml',) -> ('nxs',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PLINK2BPLINK' for ('plink',) -> ('bplink',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'PLINK2VCF' for ('plink',) -> ('vcf',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'SAM2BAM' for ('sam',) -> ('bam',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'SAM2CRAM' for ('sam',) -> ('cram',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2BCF' for ('vcf',) -> ('bcf',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2BPLINK' for ('vcf',) -> ('bplink',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2PLINK' for ('vcf',) -> ('plink',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2WIGGLE' for ('vcf',) -> ('wig',) was not added as no method is available WARNING [bioconvert.core.registry:117]: converter 'VCF2WIGGLE' for ('vcf',) -> ('wiggle',) was not added as no method is available

What you think might have happened

version issue when using the tool XXX

Please help.

cokelaer commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. Installing the third-party dependencies should remove the warnings. However, I agree this is a annoying and we plan to remove them in the release 0.5.0