biocore / emperor

Emperor a tool for the analysis and visualization of large microbial ecology datasets
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Toggling arrow labels #743

Open FranckLejzerowicz opened 4 years ago

FranckLejzerowicz commented 4 years ago

Hi lord EMPeror, This is a usage idea for the biplots. The default feature names are rarely intelligible, while the metadata information that's associated with them are. Just like the color selection changes the features colors, it would be nice if the features names could be changed, either in coordination with the color, or (best) as an independent, possibly new (?) tab "labels". For exemple, the 16S deblur features are typically long series of ACGTs, which is only filling the space with rather useless info, while changing the visible lables as per e.g. a "__genus" featre metadata would be much more insightful,

Or, could it be that other users and so much more clever that me that they can mentally compute multiple sequence alignments of the sequences? just kidding BUT just imagine a future EMPeror feature that does that: i.e. highlight the homologies of motifs in the sequences when they are closely located in the ordination - that'd be dope!

Thanks, Franck