biocore / emperor

Emperor a tool for the analysis and visualization of large microbial ecology datasets
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Display blanks out occasionally #758

Closed fedarko closed 4 years ago

fedarko commented 4 years ago

Occasionally, the display will just kind of "blank out" when viewing an ordination:

Screen Shot 2020-02-21 at 2 20 37 PM

This will sometimes happen to me when I just do something normal in an open visualization (e.g. moving over to the Animation tab, re-scaling a single sample, ...) I'm not sure what exact circumstances trigger this problem, but I have noticed that I can at least reliably reproduce it in the Q2 moving pictures visualization by starting autorotation, moving to another tab, waiting for a bit (around 20 seconds causes the problem but 10 seconds doesn't -- no idea why), and then toggling back. (That being said I don't think autorotation is a prerequisite for this, since I've observed this happening in other cases.)

When the plot is in its "blanked out" state, interacting with it by e.g. clicking-and-dragging the mouse doesn't seem to fix things -- but I can still double-click on samples to select them, so it seems like the underlying event processing stuff is still being handled.

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Once in the "blanked out" state, I can reliably fix this by opening the dev console (command-alt-i in chrome on mac). I found that using command-shift-B to toggle the bookmarks bar also fixes this, weirdly enough, as does just resizing the browser window -- I'm guessing that the window-resizing action triggers an update to the display somehow that fixes the problem.

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(I can't find an open issue for this, which is why I'm making a new one here.)

I've observed this problem in the QIIME 2 2019.10 and 2019.7 versions of Emperor (these are the only versions I've tried to replicate this problem on), on a macOS 10.15.3 laptop with Chrome 79.0.3945.130. Based on talking with Pedro today I also know others in the lab have run into this problem.

ElDeveloper commented 4 years ago

With the recent updates to THREE.js I would expect for these issues to not happen anymore. Let's close for now, and feel free to re-open if you see this again.