Hi, I would like to know if the "dBacteria;pProteobacteria;cAlphaproteobacteria;oRhizobiales_A_501396;fRhizobiaceae_A_499470" annotated from greengene2 v22.10 is the same as "dBacteria;pProteobacteria;cAlphaproteobacteria;o__Rhizobiales_A;f__Rhizobiaceae_A" in the GTDB r207. I have also noticed so many issues that confused me when I wanted to compare 16S rRNA ASVs with shotgun metagenomic data annotated by gtdbtk. Thank you very much!
Hi, I would like to know if the "dBacteria;pProteobacteria;cAlphaproteobacteria;oRhizobiales_A_501396;fRhizobiaceae_A_499470" annotated from greengene2 v22.10 is the same as "dBacteria;pProteobacteria;cAlphaproteobacteria;o__Rhizobiales_A;f__Rhizobiaceae_A" in the GTDB r207. I have also noticed so many issues that confused me when I wanted to compare 16S rRNA ASVs with shotgun metagenomic data annotated by gtdbtk. Thank you very much!