biocore / redbiom

Sample search by metadata and features
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metadata search by study id not working #124

Closed nvpatin closed 1 year ago

nvpatin commented 1 year ago

I'm interested in downloading a subset of samples from the EMP (Study ID 13114). I installed the redbiom CLI using conda and set the server host to QIITA ('export REDBIOM_HOST=').

I can search samples by certain metadata fields (e.g. 'redbiom search metadata saline' works fine) but when I try 'redbiom search metadata "where qiita_study_id == 13114" I get a list of Traceback errors ending with "NameError: name 'Constant' is not defined"

Separately, when I try "where empo_4 == "Water (saline)"" I get the error "(zsh: number expected)." Are there number codes for the empo_4 environment type?

wasade commented 1 year ago

Hi @nvpatin, could you tell me what version of redbiom is being used, and what version of python? The following should do it:

$ redbiom --version
$ python --version
nvpatin commented 1 year ago

redbiom version is 0.3.5 Python version is 3.11.0

wasade commented 1 year ago

Thanks! The latest version of redbiom is 0.3.9 which should address this. Would it be possible to uninstall from conda, and pip install redbiom? I don't know why at the moment, but it looks like the conda builds are not indexing the latest version -- I'll need to examine the conda-forge recipe:

$ conda search -c conda-forge redbiom
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel             
redbiom                        0.3.4    pyh5ca1d4c_0  conda-forge         
redbiom                        0.3.5    pyh5ca1d4c_0  conda-forge
nvpatin commented 1 year ago

Thanks @wasade that fixed the problem! Appreciate the quick response.

wasade commented 1 year ago

Wonderful! And happy to help!