Closed wasade closed 3 years ago
Previously, we only reported ambiguities when they occurred. The output right now seems to always report an ambiguity even if there isn't one.
(qiime2-2019.10) 08:52:08 (dtmcdonald@here):sequence-search@master$ echo "10317.000004216" | redbiom fetch samples --output blhablah.biom --context $ctx 1 sample ambiguities observed. Writing ambiguity mappings to: blhablah.biom.ambiguities (qiime2-2019.10) 08:55:04 (dtmcdonald@here):sequence-search@master$ biom summarize-table -i blhablah.biom Num samples: 1 Num observations: 335 Total count: 11,798 Table density (fraction of non-zero values): 1.000 Counts/sample summary: Min: 11,798.000 Max: 11,798.000 Median: 11,798.000 Mean: 11,798.000 Std. dev.: 0.000 Sample Metadata Categories: None provided Observation Metadata Categories: None provided Counts/sample detail: 10317.000004216.58152: 11,798.000
Previously, we only reported ambiguities when they occurred. The output right now seems to always report an ambiguity even if there isn't one.