A highly configurable, lightweight and feature rich terminal interface with multi-language support for conducting bioinformatics. This project was the People's Choice Award for the Vancouver Bioinformatics Hackathon Hackseq2019.
[x] Write Bash Scripts that read in YAML values as variables and overwrite the YAML values
yq for reading/writing and bash-yaml for creating environment variables
libyaml also exists for c
[ ] Use demo magic to distinguish between background and foreground commands and what is displayed in terminal, make compatible with different languages
[ ] Take userinput and pass onto "Smart Checker"
// DEV NOTE: I am thinking of using golang above C/C++ and Python. Will update shortly with a complete redo of this issue
biocswirl(related to course material)
biocterm (interface changes)
dev (developers only)
file (changes to file and folder structuring)
rpkg (r package/usethis and CRAN documentation changes)
feat (new feature)
fix (bug fix)
refactor (refactoring code)
style (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change)
doc (changes to documentation)
test (adding or refactoring tests; no production code change)
version (version bump/new release; no production code change)
dbg (Changes in debugging code/frameworks; no production code change)
license (Edits regarding licensing; no production code change)
hack (Temporary fix to make things move forward; please avoid it)
WIP (Work In Progress; for intermediate commits to keep patches reasonably sized)
[BiocTerm][dev][WIP] Create multilanguage interactive course environment
// DEV NOTE: I am thinking of using golang above C/C++ and Python. Will update shortly with a complete redo of this issue
(Parse YAML using bash) https://gist.github.com/pkuczynski/8665367 https://github.com/0k/shyaml https://github.com/jasperes/bash-yaml https://github.com/yaml/libyaml
https://starkandwayne.com/blog/bashing-your-yaml/ https://github.com/mikefarah/yq https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29969527/linux-shell-get-value-of-a-field-from-a-yml-file
(Course displaying) https://github.com/paxtonhare/demo-magic
(Taking user input) https://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_08_02.html
(Embedding other languages inside bash) https://www.linux.org/threads/embedding-other-languages-in-bash-scripts.8690/
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