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Closed nicolevasilevsky closed 4 years ago

nicolevasilevsky commented 5 years ago

Workshop on Research Objects (RO2019) 2019-09-24 at IEEE eScience 2019, San Diego, CA, USA


Research Objects

Scholarly Communication has evolved significantly in recent years, with an increasing focus on Open Research, FAIR data sharing and community-developed open source methods. A question remains on how to publish, archive and explore digital research outputs.

A number of initiatives have begun to explore how to package and describe research outputs, data, methods, workflows, provenance and structured metadata, reusing existing Web standards and formats.

Such efforts aim to address the challenges of structuring multi-part research outcomes with their context, handling distributed and living content and porting and safely exchange what we collectively can call “Research Objects” between platforms and between researchers.

Call for Papers

In the workshop RO2019 we will explore recent advancements in Research Objects and publishing of research data with peer-reviewed presentations, invited talks, short demos, lightning talks and break-out sessions to further build relationships across scientific domains and RO practitioners.

RO2019 welcomes submissions of academic abstracts (~ 1-2 pages) and short research articles (~ 4-8 pages) on cross-cutting case studies or specific research on topics including, but not limited to:

FAIR metrics; platforms, infrastructure and tools; lifecycles; access control and secure exchange; examples of exploitation and application; executable containers; metadata, packaging and formats; credit, attribution and peer review; dealing with scale and distribution; driving adoption within current scholarly communications and alignments with community efforts; and domain-specific and cross-domain Research Objects.


Submitted abstracts and articles can be in a range of open formats (e.g. HTML, ePub) and are particularly encouraged to be submitted in a FAIR research data packing format.

Accepted articles will be included in the IEEE eScience 2019 proceedings. Submitted preprints will, upon acceptance, be made available as Green Open Access on the RO2019 website with DOI links to the Zenodo record and (where applicable) the published IEEE proceeding article.

It is a requirement that at least one author of each accepted submission attends the RO2019 workshop at the IEEE eScience 2019 conference, where registration fees applies.

Further details on submitting:

RO2019 encourages open peer review, and recommend that reviewers are named and attributed; however reviewers may be anonymous if so desired. Reviewers are welcome to publish their reviews using the same guidelines as the research articles.

Workshop organizers

For any questions, feel free to email the RO2019 Workshop Organizers at