Hello, when using sambamba sort on a bam file, i am finding that the PM tag for the RG header is being stripped out. I am using sambamba 0.6.7
bam file (brief particulars are that file is created with bwa mem 0.7.15 | samblaster | picard AddOrReplaceReadGroups | picard markduplicates {from querysort, v 2.17.0}) before sambamba sort
Hello, when using sambamba sort on a bam file, i am finding that the PM tag for the RG header is being stripped out. I am using sambamba 0.6.7
bam file (brief particulars are that file is created with bwa mem 0.7.15 | samblaster | picard AddOrReplaceReadGroups | picard markduplicates {from querysort, v 2.17.0}) before sambamba sort
samtools view -H foo.dup.bam | grep ^@RG @RG ID:foo LB:foo PL:ILLUMINA SM:foo PU:foo CN:foo DT:2017-12-10T00:00:00-0500 PG:foo PM:HiSeq2500_HighOutput
then after running sambamba sort, the PM tag has been removed.
/mnt/research/tools/LINUX/SAMBAMBA/sambamba_v0.6.7/sambamba sort -o bar.bam foo.dup.bam
khetric1@c6100-9> samtools view -H bar.bam | grep ^@RG @RG ID:foo CN:CIDR DT:2017-12-10T00:00:00-0500 LB:foo PG:foo PL:ILLUMINA PU:foo SM:foo
I couldn't find this in open or closed issues.
Thanks in advance,