bioinfo-chru-strasbourg / vcf2circos

python plotly Circos from VCF
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Support for human T2T assembly #39

Open bwlang opened 7 months ago

bwlang commented 7 months ago

I was not able to find the expected input files for construction of the assembly.

( does not seem to have ncbiRefSeqCurated.txt.gz, chromInfo.txt.gz, cytoBand.txt.gz).

is there an alternative using the bigbed files that they do have? e.g.

Thanks for any advice...

thomasguignard commented 4 months ago

Hello, You can first transform bigbed files to bed with this ucsc application: e.g. bigBedToBed ncbiRefSeqCurated.bed

Then sort as recommended: sort -k1,1V -k2,2n ncbiRefSeqCurated.bed > ncbiRefSeqCurated_sort.bed