bioinfoDZ / GBMCAF

Codes for identifying and characterizing CAFs in gliomas
MIT License
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Script for RaceID #1

Open searchlie opened 3 weeks ago

searchlie commented 3 weeks ago

@bioinfoDZ Hi, I read your paper with great interest. I too am interested in characterizing CAFs in GBM and would like to reproduce your analysis myself. However, I could not find in this repository the script that executes the findoutliers function of RaceID, which I believe you used to identify CAFs. It appears that this script reads a file that has already identified CAFs. Could you please also upload the script that executes RaceID? Also, if possible, could you upload a metadata file of which cells were identified as CAFs?

bioinfoDZ commented 2 weeks ago

Can you please reach out to the PI? He should have a list of the CAF cells.