Open stephaniemyan opened 5 years ago
Hi Steph,
Thank you for writing. This error occurs when either the reference or the alternative allele contains characters that are not part of the IUPAC nucleotide code. I looked through the gorilla vcf you provided and found multiple lines where the alternative allele is missing ('.' character is used):
chr1 904283 . C . 96.23 PASS
chr1 904436 . T . 2916.03 PASS
BayesTyper does not support sites without an alternative allele. Therefore, try to remove them and run combine again.
Let me know if it does not work.
Hi Jonas,
Thank you for your prompt response. Removing the '.' alts fixed this error, but now I have a new one:
[15/02/2019 10:12:12] You are using BayesTyperTools (v1.4)
[15/02/2019 10:12:12] Running BayesTyperTools (v1.4) combine on 2 files ...
bayesTyperTools: /isdata/kroghgrp/jasi/bayesTyper/code/releases/v1.4_static/BayesTyper-1.4/src/vcf++/VcfMetaData.cpp:55: uint VcfMetaData::numColumns() const: Assertion `header_added' failed.
It looks like it might be an issue with the header now? Do you know how I could fix this one?
Thanks, Steph
Glad it worked. The new error occurs when the #CHROM row in the header is missing or not correctly formatted. Would it be possible to upload the vcf like before?
I'm trying to use
bayesTyperTools combine
to combine two VCF files. When I run the program, I get this error message:Here's the command I'm using:
And here are the first 1000 lines of the VCFs for reference:
I'm not sure what's off about the VCF files. Could you tell me what the error message means and how to go about debugging it?
Thanks, Steph