bioinformatics-centre / BayesTyper

A method for variant graph genotyping based on exact alignment of k-mers
87 stars 7 forks source link

downloading variation priors fails #48

Open shokrof opened 2 years ago

shokrof commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am trying to download bayestyper_GRCh38_bundle.tar.gz using but I cant get past 44% Thanks, Moustafa

jonassibbesen commented 1 year ago

Hi Moustafa,

Thanks for writing. I just tried to download the GRCh38 data bundle and was able to without a problem. Could you maybe try again now? If you still have problems I have also now put the GRCh38 bundle on google drive:



shokrof commented 1 year ago

Hi Jonas, Thanks for your reply, I downloaded the bundle using the google drive link and I have the data now. I tried to download the file using the original link but still stuck on 44%. regards, Moustafa

jonassibbesen commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update! I will look more into it.

wesleyau commented 1 month ago


Do you have the GRCh37 data bundle on google drive as well? It seems like the link to the data bundles are no longer accessable through the link for me at least.

Thanks, Wesley