I was wondering if you have compared the number of computed states to the A* seed heuristic [1]. A prototype implementation of it for semi-global exact alignment (scaling to millions of reference bp) is implemented in AStarix [2].
[1] Ivanov, Pesho, Benjamin Bichsel, and Martin Vechev. Fast and optimal sequence-to-graph alignment guided by seeds. RECOMB 2022.
[2] https://github.com/eth-sri/astarix
I was wondering if you have compared the number of computed states to the A* seed heuristic [1]. A prototype implementation of it for semi-global exact alignment (scaling to millions of reference bp) is implemented in AStarix [2].
[1] Ivanov, Pesho, Benjamin Bichsel, and Martin Vechev. Fast and optimal sequence-to-graph alignment guided by seeds. RECOMB 2022. [2] https://github.com/eth-sri/astarix