biokoda / actordb

ActorDB distributed SQL database
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Would it be possible to start actordb from actordb_console? #22

Closed atomi closed 8 years ago

atomi commented 8 years ago

Right now the best solution to run in docker would be to use supervisord but if we could start the actordb daemon from the actordb_console containerization would be easier to work with.

djustinek commented 8 years ago

What about starting it with "./bin/actordb console"

That starts it without deamonizing it.

atomi commented 8 years ago

Although I would need to initialize actordb using an external client/image, that does work. But logged output would be better than the erlang shell for docker.

djustinek commented 8 years ago


We've added another startup option.

If you build the latest master by yourself you can run it with "./bin/actordb foreground" which won't spawn the erlang console.

By editing the app.config and configuring the console backend the logging output can be routed there, for example:

{lager, [
      {handlers, [
        {lager_console_backend, [debug,
                            [time," ",pid," ",module," ",line," [",severity,"] ", message, "\n"]}
SergejJurecko commented 8 years ago

You probably don't want debug logging. Where it says debug above change to info

atomi commented 8 years ago

Thanks, How do I do I compile the actordb binary? All I see in the Makefile are targets for cmdshell and actordb_tool. I checked actordb_core too and that just compiles to beam files.

djustinek commented 8 years ago

Run make rel

Release build should be available in rel/acotrdb

atomi commented 8 years ago
