Closed atomi closed 8 years ago
What about starting it with "./bin/actordb console"
That starts it without deamonizing it.
Although I would need to initialize actordb using an external client/image, that does work. But logged output would be better than the erlang shell for docker.
We've added another startup option.
If you build the latest master by yourself you can run it with "./bin/actordb foreground" which won't spawn the erlang console.
By editing the app.config and configuring the console backend the logging output can be routed there, for example:
{lager, [
{handlers, [
{lager_console_backend, [debug,
[time," ",pid," ",module," ",line," [",severity,"] ", message, "\n"]}
You probably don't want debug logging. Where it says debug above change to info
Thanks, How do I do I compile the actordb binary? All I see in the Makefile are targets for cmdshell and actordb_tool. I checked actordb_core too and that just compiles to beam files.
Run make rel
Release build should be available in rel/acotrdb
Right now the best solution to run in docker would be to use supervisord but if we could start the actordb daemon from the actordb_console containerization would be easier to work with.