biolab / orange3-timeseries

🍊 :chart_with_upwards_trend: Orange add-on for analyzing, visualizing, manipulating, and forecasting time series data.
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Line chart not working for an specific dataset #160

Closed neliebi closed 3 years ago

neliebi commented 3 years ago
Timeseries version


Orange version


Expected behavior

Display the line charts

Actual behavior

Features are not shown in the line chart. The module works fine for most of my datasets, but for some reason it's failing when I try to load this specific dataset.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Just add the line chart module using the dataset below.

Additional info (worksheets, data, screenshots, ...)

i,Test no_filter w1,Test no_filter w2,MM filter w1,MM filter w2 1,1.2416,1.233,44.364,43.5273 2,2.3043,2.3245,170.4854,170.858 3,4.6013,5.2083,476.332,560.6115 4,3.7617,5.8212,366.9052,657.641 5,3.0978,4.8875,281.1096,520.6104 6,2.5749,4.1079,220.3818,423.2661 7,2.2543,3.514,178.4243,345.0648 8,1.9723,3.0328,142.7602,280.1494 9,1.7967,2.6674,120.2743,230.6973 10,1.6664,2.4066,101.4004,194.2702 11,1.4702,2.0667,74.6831,148.8543 12,1.4482,1.8223,68.9377,115.6784 13,1.3436,1.6504,55.7334,90.3337 14,1.3338,1.5315,51.8248,69.7425 15,1.5481,1.7656,74.1751,89.1125 16,1.94,2.3837,123.2566,164.5248 17,2.4473,3.1742,192.3158,271.4973 18,3.0689,4.0314,275.2885,395.6504 19,3.3216,4.6485,315.7318,483.984 20,3.2813,4.7688,309.9266,514.0282 21,2.8568,4.3903,248.3381,465.0104 22,2.2933,3.6818,176.6831,356.2948 23,2.0309,3.0788,142.2681,271.2065 24,1.7716,2.6634,108.8053,215.8396 25,1.737,2.4265,102.8566,181.6477 26,1.563,2.2409,82.12,157.0023 27,1.4539,1.9536,70.9119,125.5118 28,1.4401,1.8169,68.591,111.5406 29,1.3685,1.6656,59.6082,95.0453 30,1.3195,1.5434,55.5282,81.1139 31,1.3124,1.4809,52.797,73.3663 32,1.2955,1.4568,51.1614,68.9317 33,1.2819,1.4261,49.4919,66.1566 34,1.2706,1.3811,47.6591,59.6023 35,1.2869,1.3563,49.5537,57.8471 36,1.2711,1.3294,47.438,53.4544 37,1.2627,1.3082,46.8782,52.6794

*Some times I get this error message when I try to load this dataset

neliebi commented 3 years ago

I found that when I load the line chart, the dictionary context.attributes in the method match(self, context, _, attrs, metas) in (line 428) contains elements from another data set (that is not even loaded in the current project)

neliebi commented 3 years ago

I was able to make it work after clicking in "Options->Reset widget settings"

ajdapretnar commented 3 years ago

Seems like context settings are off. @janezd ?

PrimozGodec commented 3 years ago

It is probably my fault. :( will try to take a look ASAP

wvdvegte commented 3 years ago

I've seen this same behavior with a dataset I'm currently working with, including the error message. Sometimes it works fine, sometimes the features aren't shown.

PrimozGodec commented 3 years ago

Fixed in