biolab / orange3-timeseries

🍊 :chart_with_upwards_trend: Orange add-on for analyzing, visualizing, manipulating, and forecasting time series data.
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Orange ARIMA model #177

Closed SuperShamoo closed 2 years ago

SuperShamoo commented 3 years ago

While doing an Orange Project in school nobody in the class was able to use the ARIMA model. the VAR model worked just fine Even the instructor was able to re-create the issue after downloading the latest version of Orange and the latest TimeSeries plugin

Download Orange v3.3 -> Install TimeSeriesv0.3.11 ARIMA model does not perform, it breaks with an error: "Error fitting model: TypeError: fit() got an unexpected keyword argument "disp""

What's your environment?

kernc commented 3 years ago

Seems like no longer takes these arguments: Given the deprecation notice: we might consider adopting SARIMAX with fairly few changes required.

janezd commented 2 years ago

Fixed in #178.