biolab / orange3-timeseries

🍊 :chart_with_upwards_trend: Orange add-on for analyzing, visualizing, manipulating, and forecasting time series data.
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The orange3-timeseries package is incompatible with scipy1.8.0 #188

Closed HannesLum closed 2 years ago

HannesLum commented 2 years ago
Timeseries version

0.3.12 (in a development directory)

Orange version


Expected behavior

After setting up a new virtual environment with python3.8.12 and executing the following code in the command line (from the timeseries-directory)

pip install orange3==3.31.1
pip install -e .
python -m Orange.canvas

Orange should have opened itself with the timeseries-add-on successfully installed.

Actual behavior

Orange starts itself, but timeseries is nowhere to be found. Looking into the console-output reveals the reason:

Cannot import name '_centered' from 'scipy.signal.signaltools'

According to this stackoverflow-question, the reason for this is that _centered is a private function and thus is not guaranteed to be there from one version of scipy to the next.

Additional info (worksheets, data, screenshots, ...)

Installing an earlier scipy-version will solve the problem:

pip install scipy==1.7.3
pip install orange3==3.31.1
pip install -e .
python -m Orange.canvas

But it might be a good idea to look into why the private function was imported in the first place for future versions of orange3 and if it could be replaced with something else.

janezd commented 2 years ago

Resolved in #178.