biolab / orange3

🍊 :bar_chart: :bulb: Orange: Interactive data analysis
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Time series Seasonal adjustment error #4360

Closed yannis72400 closed 4 years ago

yannis72400 commented 4 years ago
Orange version


Expected behavior

Seasonal adjustment to work

Actual behavior

Get an error and no data is calculated

Steps to reproduce the behavior

See enclosed project screenshot. Nothing too complicated.

Additional info (worksheets, data, screenshots, ...)

Error is below. Enclosed screenshot Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 2 37 52 PM of the workflow

Exception: ValueError: concatenated tables must have the same domain
Widget Name: Seasonal Adjustment
Widget Module: orangecontrib.timeseries.widgets.owseasonaladjustment:124
Version: 3.24.1
Environment: Python 3.6.8 on Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Sat Oct 12 00:02:19 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.278.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Installed Packages: AnyQt==0.0.10, Bottleneck==1.2.1, CacheControl==0.12.6, Orange3-Educational==0.2.1, Orange3-Geo==0.2.6, Orange3-ImageAnalytics==0.4.1, Orange3-Prototypes==0.12.0, Orange3-Timeseries==0.3.3, Orange3==3.24.1, Pillow==7.0.0, PyQt5-sip==12.7.0, PyQt5==5.12.3, PyQtWebEngine==5.12.1, PyYAML==5.3, Pygments==2.5.2, Shapely==1.6.4.post2, XlsxWriter==1.2.7, appnope==0.1.0, backcall==0.1.0, beautifulsoup4==4.8.2, brotlipy==0.7.0, certifi==2019.11.28, cffi==1.13.2, chardet==3.0.4, commonmark==0.9.1, cycler==0.10.0, decorator==4.4.1, docutils==0.13.1, et-xmlfile==1.0.1, h2==2.6.2, hpack==3.0.0, hyperframe==3.2.0, hypertemp==0.8.0, idna==2.8, ipython-genutils==0.2.0, ipython==7.11.1, jdcal==1.4.1, jedi==0.15.2, joblib==0.11, keyring==10.3.1, keyrings.alt==2.2, kiwisolver==1.1.0, llvmlite==0.30.0, lockfile==0.12.2, lxml==4.4.2, matplotlib==3.1.2, msgpack==0.6.2, ndf==0.1.4, networkx==2.4, numba==0.46.0, numpy==1.16.6, openTSNE==0.3.12, openpyxl==3.0.3, orange-canvas-core==0.1.11, orange-widget-base==4.3.0, pandas-datareader==0.8.1, pandas==0.25.3, parso==0.5.2, patsy==0.5.1, pexpect==4.8.0, pickleshare==0.7.5, pip==19.3.1, plotly==4.4.1, prompt-toolkit==3.0.2, ptyprocess==0.6.0, pycparser==2.19, pynndescent==0.4.4, pyparsing==2.4.6, pyqtgraph==0.10.0, python-dateutil==2.8.1, python-louvain==0.13, pytz==2019.3, requests==2.22.0, retrying==1.3.3, rfc3986==1.3.2, scikit-learn==0.22.1, scipy==1.2.2, serverfiles==0.3.0, setuptools==40.6.2, simplejson==3.17.0, six==1.14.0, soupsieve==1.9.5, statsmodels==0.10.2, traitlets==4.3.3, urllib3==1.25.7, wcwidth==0.1.8, wheel==0.33.6, xlrd==1.2.0
Machine ID: 73a10a0a-9999-4b27-a090-8616a523d1cd
Stack Trace: Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/Applications/", line 1579, in do_commit    commit()  File "/Applications/", line 124, in commit    ts = Timeseries(Timeseries.concatenate((data, adjusted_data)))  File "/Applications/", line 881, in concatenate    raise ValueError('concatenated tables must have the same domain')ValueError: concatenated tables must have the same domain
Local Variables: OrderedDict([('axis', 0),             ('cls', <class 'orangecontrib.timeseries.timeseries.Timeseries'>),             ('collect',              <function Table.concatenate..collect at 0x141b892f0>),             ('domain', [Date, High, Low, Open, Close, Volume | Adj Close]),             ('merge1d',              <function Table.concatenate..merge1d at 0x141b89488>),             ('tables',              ([[2015-01-26, 313, 307.52, 311.82, 309.66, ... | 309.66], [2015-01-27, 310.24, 302.63, 306.3, 306.75, ... | 306.75], [2015-01-28, 311.51, 303.8, 309.81, 303.91, ... | 303.91], [2015-01-29, 312.8, 299.33, 304.73, 311.78, ... | 311.78], [2015-01-30, 359.5, 340.74, 346.32, 354.53, ... | 354.53], ...],               [[309.5, 1.00052, 295.92, 1.04589], [306.916, 0.99946, 306.773, 1.00046], [303.903, 1.00002, 307.48, 0.988367], [311.619, 1.00052, 323.407, 0.963551], [354.722, 0.99946, 343.593, 1.03239], ...])),             ('vstack',              <function Table.concatenate..vstack at 0x1339fbbf8>)])
ajdapretnar commented 4 years ago

I can't reproduce this on the latest master.

A note to the side: this is an issue of Timeseries add-on, not core Orange. Any issues should be reported to I think the problem is with the lack of release since 2018. I will try to make one today.