The Feed is a list of any changes to your record, listed in the order that it was added.
Show a Facebook-like list of events, most recently added first.
You can simply query the Facts collection for those with subject= the id of current patient.
Like Facebook, user can type in text, and named entities (medications, conditions, etc) are recognized. User can click on these and verify that yes they started or stopped medicine, or a condition started or stopped and how severe it is (5-frown rating)
The Feed is a list of any changes to your record, listed in the order that it was added.
Show a Facebook-like list of events, most recently added first. You can simply query the Facts collection for those with subject= the id of current patient.
Use Semantic-UI feed:
This might end up being the home page.
Like Facebook, user can type in text, and named entities (medications, conditions, etc) are recognized. User can click on these and verify that yes they started or stopped medicine, or a condition started or stopped and how severe it is (5-frown rating)