biomedontology / TermChinesetranslation

Chinese translation of general ontology terms
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has_agent #113

Open zhuyan166 opened 6 years ago

zhuyan166 commented 6 years ago

上下文:Each domain ontology consists of a taxonomy (a hierarchy structured by the is_a relation) together with other relations such as part_of, contained_in, adjacent_to, has_agent, preceded_by, and so forth, along with definitions and axioms governing how its terms and relations are to be understood. 位置:2_35 翻译为:具有行为主体??



P has_agent C; Ps are processes, Cs are material continuants | Every P involves some C as agent (the C is involved in and is causally responsible for the P)

  1. gene expression has_agent RNA polymerase
  2. signal transduction has_agent receptor
  3.  pathogenesis has_agent pathogen
  4.  transcription has_agent RNA polymerase
  5.  translation has_agent ribosome

最新的RO本体里面好像没有找到该关系,只有:process has causal agent