上下文2:Web Ontology Language (OWL)
As we saw, the Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a family of knowledge representation
languages that are the basic computer-implementable languages in which ontologies
are written. OWL languages are based on description logics.
上下文2:Web Ontology Language (OWL) As we saw, the Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a family of knowledge representation languages that are the basic computer-implementable languages in which ontologies are written. OWL languages are based on description logics. 位置:9_3
推荐翻译:知识表达 来源:http://nkos.lib.szu.edu.cn/OWL2/OWL2PrimerSimplifiedChinese.htm --“这篇文档拟提供对OWL2的初步了解,特别适用于对OWL2不熟悉的读者。因此,我们在Section 2对OWL2的性质进行一些高层介绍,在Section 3提供一些很基本的知识表达概念,并解释它们如何与OWL2使用的术语相关。熟悉知识表达和推理的读者,也许只需快速浏览本节就可以获得OWL2的术语集。”