biomedontology / TermChinesetranslation

Chinese translation of general ontology terms
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realism #65

Open zhuyan166 opened 6 years ago

zhuyan166 commented 6 years ago

上下文:Table 1.1 PhilPapers survey results --External world: Idealism, skepticism, or nonskeptical realism? --Accept or lean toward: nonskeptical realism 位置:1_72

上下文2:We have already discussed our commitment to realism in chapter 1. In general, “realism” can be defined as a philosophical position according to which reality and its constituents exist independently of our (linguistic, conceptual, theoretical, cultural) representations and can be known, for example, through perceptual experience and through application of the scientific method. 位置2: 3_6.

目前的翻译有多种:实在论,实在主义,唯实论,现实主义。 参考1:西方哲学中广泛使用而含义模糊的概念。该词在中世纪经院哲学中一般翻译为“唯实论”,与“唯名论(nominalism)”相对,。在近代哲学哲学中一般译为“实在主义”或“实在论”。---《外国哲学大辞典》


zhengj2007 commented 6 years ago


zhuyan166 commented 6 years ago

Ontological Realism 是否可以翻为“本体实在论”?