biomedontology / TermChinesetranslation

Chinese translation of general ontology terms
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accessibility and usability #69

Open zhuyan166 opened 6 years ago

zhuyan166 commented 6 years ago

上下文:It is only when this has been done that the detailed terminological content of a specific science such as cell biology or immunology can be encoded in such a way as to ensure widespread accessibility and usability. 位置:3_43

推荐翻译:可达性和易用性 参考来源: -----IEC/TR 62678-2010 ----音频,视频和多媒体系统及设备.可达性和易用性相关的活动性和注意事项 ----Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment - Activities and considerations related to accessibility and usability

zhengj2007 commented 6 years ago
