biometricITC / Fingerprint-Toolbox

Fingerprint PAD Toolbox
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Ap table update 2 #48

Closed n-kai closed 3 years ago

n-kai commented 3 years ago

I updated the table as requested #45 (but the update may not exactly reflect the discussion we had at the last meeting).

woodbe commented 3 years ago

@n-kai so to be clear, what you are proposing is that the case and mold tables are focused on the identification score, and we are combining those together in the calculated table, And then the exploitation is determine "overall" in how you actually would use the cast/mold to make the attack.

This does make sense to me, but I think we should go through this on the 12/17 call for final approval to merge.

n-kai commented 3 years ago

@woodbe so to be clear, what you are proposing... -> yes, you are right. Thank you for adding links for tables.

woodbe commented 3 years ago

I think once this is approved, it should close #16, close #17 and close #18.

woodbe commented 3 years ago

@gfiumara and @gregott can you please check these changes to see if they are acceptable? If so, I will propagate them to the other attacks before merging this into the branch.

gregott commented 3 years ago

Remove the word “overall” in the 2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph. It does not make sense here.

Delete the sentence in 2nd paragraph “An attack based on an easy to make, inexpensive mold coupled with a very sophisticated cast process would necessarily be considered at the Attack Potential of the cast.” We say in the last sentence the Attack Potential is the sum of that of the cast and the mold. I now believe we should use the sum not the greater of the two identification values for each factor.

I would also add something like the following to the 2nd paragraph.

When summing mold and cast factors for Identification Values, the Sum operation is performed as follows. If the factor is Elapsed time, the sum equals the mathematical addition of the individual times for the cast and the mold. For example, an Elapsed time for the mold of <= one week and for the cast of <= one day when added results in a total of <= 8 days. This value is assigned the Identification Value of <= two weeks. If the factor is a Level such as Expert or Public, the sum equals the value of the factor with the higher score. For example, an Equipment factor of Standard equipment for the mold combined with an Equipment factor of Specialized equipment for the cast would result in the Identification Value of Specialized equipment for that factor.